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Legend of Korra Season One Finale - Official Trailer

The trailer for the season finale.

The season finale is (almost) upon us! So far, we've followed Korra as she has made friends and faced foes in Republic City. There are so many questions that this season finale must answer. Will Korra finally win against Amon? Who is Amon, anyway? And will Mako grow up and pick a girl?

Post your theories of what will happen right here. Ask the questions that are bugging you. And after the season finale, let's talk about what happened.

"Skeletons in the Closet"[]

General Iroh, grandson of the now retired Fire Lord Zuko, joins in the war against the Equalists. Meanwhile, the new Team Avatar is lying low in an alley where benders and non-benders seem to coexist harmoniously.


The long-awaited duel between Amon and Korra is coming. Will Korra be able to stop Amon from fulfilling his wishes for a bending-free world, or will she lose her own bending abilities in the process?

UPDATE: {{#NewWindowLink: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2012/06/19/the-legend-of-korra-creators-preview-the-finale/ | Bryke previews the season finale! }} (Thanks Omar!)
UPDATE #2: {{#NewWindowLink: http://michaeldantedimartino.tumblr.com/post/25486263277/creating-a-legend | Michael Dante DiMartino creates a Tumblr }} (Thanks again, Omar!)

  • Comments were disabled and centralized here for the purposes of making it easier for us to moderate discussions, many of which had been getting out of hand. They will be back on July 23. If you wish to discuss the decision to centralize comments here, please take it up with me on my wall.
  • Yeah, we get that there are a lot of comments. But there's no need to repeat it – every time you say that, interesting discussion gets pushed down.
  • Please don't leave shipping comments here, as they will be deleted! If you want to talk shipping, I hear this place is cool with that.

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