Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

Suzon Suzon 2 June 2012

Bullying on The Avatar Wiki

In light of recent events, and after the dissolution of the wikequalists, I came to realize vandalism is not the answer to bullying, so I'm just asking, can you guys read this through, and try to end Bullying on the Avatar Wiki :) Thank you!

Bullying really hurts, coming from someone who is bullied, off the internet, on the internet, and pretty much everywhere I go, I can tell you from experiance that no single person on this entire planet likes to be bullied. Cyber-Bullying is just as much of an issue as bullying, and it hurts just as bad if not worse than regular bullying. It seems like alot of more experienced users pick on the less experienced users. Now, not all more experienced users on here are bullies, and they are not all nice eith…

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Suzon Suzon 13 August 2014

Fanon Partner

Hello,ZukoPlushie here.I was brainstorming ideas for my Fanon The Fire Lord's Quest:Zuko's Saga third chapterand have been suffering writers block.When Brainstorming I came up for a story for a new fanon.I was wonderring If Anyone is intrested in a Partnership?Yes?No?The fanon is about a Team Avatar after Aang only it's not Korra its kids on Earth in around present day.Korra still exsists but on another planet.ZukoPlushie Contribs.Blog 13:15, August 26, 2011 (UTC)

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