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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 12 January 2012

Match One: Lee versus Moku!!!

TBBoF has finally kicked off into it's first match!

That's right! Lee is fighting Moku!

To read about these characters, look at the below two links. Read through their page, then vote on who you think would really win! Do not vote because you like one character more. Vote on their skills. If you are voting because you like them more, you're vote will not count.

- 12 votes so far
- 10 votes so far

It appears that Lee got a boost at the end, and ended Moku. Moku is dead now... and Lee has emerged victorious!

Please be patient as me, Agent Slash, Dragonfire, and Alaskabender write the next chapter. -Wings (talk)

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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 9 January 2012

So, for you guys who like my fanons, I've got a new one shot, and, ya know (This is a ridiculously long title), I felt like I should tell you guys.

Hey guys! (Pay no attention to my ridiculously long title.)

So, as my title says (OK, I'm contradicting myself.), I've got a new one shot. I call it, ! If you read the page, you can get the plot, but I'll tell you here, too. It's about a modernized world of Avatar, and all these storms start raging around the world. John Lanes investigates the "super-storms" as they call them.

It will be ridiculously long (Just like this title.), but it will all be on that page. I have a good idea in store for it. So, why don't you read it? I suggest it for fans of mysteries, action, adventure, and A:TLA. I hope you guys enjoy the little part I have right now!

Thanks for reading! -

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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 7 January 2012

We are ready for writing!

Hi, guys!

That's right - TBBoF will begin writing. Currently, Slash is writing the first chapter. After that, you guys will write fighting for your character. Then, me and Slash will take the fighting, and add it to the cahpter. Just do fighting though. OK? Good.

That's all! -Wings (talk) 21:31, January 7, 2012 (UTC)

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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 30 November 2013

We just need two more people!

Hey guys!

So, the growing-in-popularity Blood Bath of Fanons has grown a lot in the past 3 days. It has the prologue out, with Slash working on the first chapter, 3 subscribers, a fanbox and contributor box, 135 comments, etc. Now, I left out a key growth in TBBoF. Look at the title and you'll know what. That's right! We have 22 tributes, two more to go! So, if you're seeing this blog, and you want to join, please do! We really want to start writing. I'll fill out some more in the intructions guide, in case your confused. So, join! Just tell me in a comment.

Also, if you can't join since there is already the full amount of people, you can still vote, support, and also join for book 2!

Go ahead! Join the TBBoF! -The Wings (talkTAS) 16:53, Janu…

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PreservationsWings PreservationsWings 5 January 2012

Review of Avatar Brek - For Fun!

Hey guys!

Some of you may know that I'm running for a position on the FRS. Well, after doing my test review, I found that reviewing fanons is funner than I thought. So, I've decided to review the other fanon I was thinking of doing as a test review for fun. Here it is!

Overview: Avatar Brek is about the Avatar directly following Korra. The Avatar is, you guessed it, Brek. One day, on his 16th birthday, he is told he is the Avatar. Unfortunately, Brek has several problems on his hands. He and his friends, Kaeta and Berani, discover that a group known as the Isha want to eradicate all non-benders because of the Equalists. Brek finishes learning Earthbending, but then the Earth Kingdom breaks out in civil war. Following that, the Fire Nation is…

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