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♥ It's the Oogie Time of Year... Send Your Love Today! ♥
The staff of The Ba Sing Se Times are hopeless romantics, just like you. We're preparing to publish an obnoxiously pink, flowery, oogie-inducing issue on February 14th, 2018 to celebrate what you all know and love/hate about Valentine's Day. We invite you to be a part of our February-exclusive feature: Avatar Wiki Anonymous Valentines!

This is exactly what it sounds like: We're giving you an opportunity to send a valentine to a special someone, be it a fictional, nonfictional, or even a fanfictional heartthrob! This lucky person must be related to the Avatar series in some shape or form. This definitely includes Avatar Wiki users, who are fans, and your message can be anything your romantic heart desires (well, within this site's policies or it'll be omitted). And the best part? You don't even have to reveal your identity! Anonymous is the honest truth; whatever name you decide to put down is the only one that will display in your submission. You're free to go bold and public, though.

You can reference our previous Secret Valentines column to get an idea of how it's published. You definitely don't want to miss this, because you never know if someone's decided to give you or your fanon a shoutout! Also as a bonus to fanon shoutouts, any referenced story will include a link for prospective readers ;)

Here are some example valentines:

Dear Korra,
I'm sorry for being such a terrible boyfriend. You deserve better. You deserve...Asami. I'll just go die alone and single now...

Love, Mako

Dear Minnichi,
I love The Ba Sing Se Times, but I don't love you for being the least punctual Editor in all of Avatar Wiki history. Nonetheless, Happy Valentine's Day.

Love, every BSST reader

Dear Yuhan,
I'm so sorry that you had to have Minnichi for an author. I pray for your happy ending, if it even exists.

With Love, your heartbroken fans

Now onto the main event!

You may submit as many valentines as you want up until we publish on February 14th, 2018. You can risk sending some last-minute love letters on the 14th if the issue hasn't released yet, but there's no guarantee that we'll see them in time. Plan ahead and confess your love early! See you all on Valentine's Day <3


The BSST Staff

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