Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

I was wondering, what are some ideas of how we should prepare for the release of the first movie and deal with the flood of information from them? What are some changes you'd like to see here specifically for the movie? How can we promote the wiki so that more and more people know about it before the release?

Some ideas that I've heard or thought of
  • Wikia Spotlight (I'm planning on applying myself quite soon in advance for June)
  • Contest?!
  • New namespace for movie content (likely Movie: or Film:)
  • New skin for that new namespace similar to how Fanon is compared to Main?
  • Promoting more through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter?
  • Becoming reliable for all news about The Last Airbender
  • Main Page redo
  • Regular IRC meetings so the community can openly discuss new ideas and the happenings of the wiki
  • Market the forums for more TLA discussions and questions
  • Encourage more fanon about TLA and advertise (not spam) on other websites
  • Play with SEO
  • Supplying transcripts of previous episodes so people wishing to compare the films to the episodes can go word by word?
  • Creating a Avatar Wiki language network by using a lot of interwiki links with non-English Avatar Wikis

Do you have any ideas/suggestions or disagree with something? We'd/I'd love to hear it! Looking for feedback on what would be the best way to do it. Cheers!
