Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki

In light of my highly decreased activity on the wiki I have decided to relinquish my position as fanon administrator due to my current inability to dedicate the time to performing my duties.

Unfortunately due to several important exams my spare time has been cut largely and I currently have to prioritise, and my time on the wiki is one of the worst hit. Given that I am no longer as active as I used to be I feel as though someone else should be elected in my place as I feel that it would be more beneficial to the wiki.

I must say that I am not leaving the wiki but that due to my decreased activity I feel I am unable to perform the duties required of me.

I know this wiki has several great users who would excel in such a position and I know whoever succeeds me will perform in this role brilliantly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Carloso - Talk 16:22, November 1, 2011 (UTC)
