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Ty Lee upside down

Ty Lee.

The sequel to The Last Airbender will require an "actress" to play the part of Ty Lee. Even though the second film in the planned trilogy has not yet been greenlit, speculative discussion on who will play the character has arisen. Several fans of the original series have even put themselves forward as candidates, through Avatar fan sites and forums, supported by videos on YouTube. This is by no means a complete list of Ty Lee candidates.

There has been no public comment from Paramount on the matter. It is assumed that Paramount will have a casting call for Ty Lee if the company decides to continue the trilogy. Until then, speculation on Avatar fan sites continues.

To comment on this page, kindly use the comment section in Film:The Last Airbender 2 page.

List of Fan Candidates[]

This is a list of the few candidates that have been put forward on fan sites, blogs and YouTube and other websites. As Paramount has not begun casting for Ty Lee, these "candidates" and members of the general public have an equal chance of receiving the role.

Name Ethnicity Acting Martial Arts/Sport