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Forums: War Room Remove Pang and Yum Soon Hans from Beifong pages
Note: This thread has been unedited for 3537 days. It is considered archived – the discussion is over. Do not edit this thread unless it really needs a response.
This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion was:

The families will be deleted from the allies list per discussion on the deletion of their respective pages.

Please do not edit this discussion.

Do we even have proof that the Pangs and Yum Soon Hans existed? All we know is that Toph made reference to them in CoWaS, in order to get into a party, but we have no proof that they exist, let alone that they have ties to the Beifongs? No, but yet we still proceed to make such claims on the Beifong family page, which I propose we remove. I honestly can't see a logical argument against this.

Questions, comments, or the likewise? Azulazulazula It doesn't matter what you did; what matters is who you are. 16:55, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

I agree per A3 Gods Rule! Aang Cosmic Not Spirits Kozilla Sprite | My Fanon 17:59, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

I oppose. Nothing in the show suggests they don't exist. We can't go around pointing fingers at statements or lines in the show calling them misleading or wrong. If that was the case, we'd go right back to assumption and speculation. We must always trust the validity of the characters' statements when there is no proof they are mistaken. Ozai Spirte The Final BattleSparks From HadesAzula sprite23 18:21, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

I support the proposal. The pangs and yum soon family's pages were deleted because there was a consensus that those families did not exist. So if they did not exist It shouldn't be included on the Beifong families page.TheBigOFan Bolin sprite Be the leaf 18:28, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

Sparks: But there is nothing saying that they do exist either. If we include the information its speculation as well, something that should not be included. The best solution is to not include them, and to neither say that they do exist or do not exist. Therefore I support this proposal. Fire Pabu Sprite Ferret 20:07, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

I support removal, at least in the context in which they are mentioned. The families could be mentioned perhaps in a trivia section which would state the uncertainty over whether or not they are fiction, but they should not be listed under allies if there is the good possibility that they are made up. Prince James 20:21, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

I agree that the families should be deleted from the allies list. Even if they do exist (which is not confirmed),they may just be the wealthiest and most influential families that Toph could think of; however, they could very well be competitors to the Beifongs. WEFAang (wallcontribs) 04:25, August 23, 2012 (UTC)
