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Forums: War Room Captain "Lee"
Note: This thread has been unedited for 3226 days. It is considered archived – the discussion is over. Do not edit this thread unless it really needs a response.

I was checking things after revamping the page for Keone Young and discovered that a page on the site has one of his characters as Lee (Fire Nation Captain) with a redirect from "Captain Lee." I've checked the on screen credits for The Waterbending Master and there it's Captain Li. Is there an obscure reason for the change in spelling or is it a persistent mistake? If we rename the page, at least we can get rid of that listing on the Lee disambiguation page, but we'll have to make another one because of Li (Lo's sister). I've left the link on the Young page pointed to the Lee disambiguation page for the time being. DesertDog (talk) 07:52, June 17, 2011 (UTC)

If you are sure its Captian Li, you can change it. :) – Natsu11 · (wallNanatsu no Taizai) 10:41, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
It just seemed odd it hadn't been noticed before now, albeit for a one-shot appearance. DesertDog (talk) 10:50, June 18, 2011 (UTC)
I think this could be on an ordinary talk page. It does not need to be brought to the war room. --AvatarRokus Ghost (Message meRead my fanon) Energy Saga Dragons, Sieges and Volcanoes 08:46, July 4, 2011 (UTC)
Well, ARG, you may be right but when I put something on or make a Talk page, I get directed to here. I've come to the conclusion that the Talk pages are pretty useless. Besides, the last edit having been eighteen days ago, it had pretty much dropped off of the radar. Until now. DesertDog (talk) 13:07, July 4, 2011 (UTC)