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Forums: War Room Bring back the comments!!!
Note: This thread has been unedited for 2462 days. It is considered archived – the discussion is over. Do not edit this thread unless it really needs a response.
This discussion is closed. The result of this discussion was:

Comments will continue to be disabled on LoK articles until July 23 as originally planned.

Please do not edit this discussion.

Comments are the way that people communicate, comments is what brings the people here and comment on articles, without the comments like come on, there will be less people, mostly admins/rollback will be working, some users and some anymous users will come, but the rest will leave cause the comments. As stated by Omar, and I agree alot to his statement, Comments should be back, don't disable, this is wasting the people's time. IRC is fun and all but I prefer that commenting is the best way, commenting is fun and commenting brings these users all here. Don't remove/disable.... open and we'll have fun. FYI, thousands of comments are made instead of editing, thousands are in the articles, this is how the wiki is running. Comments are the things. I said, let's not go to removal, let's go to commenting. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:26, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

Relax. The comments are only gone until Saturday, and then they will be back, just like usual :) Truly Pabu Sprite Ferret (a My Fanon) 05:50, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
Saturday? What? They are gone until the 23rd of July. Which is a Monday. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 05:54, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
No... today is the Twenty-Second. Tomorrow, which is Saturday, is the 23rd...? Truly Pabu Sprite Ferret (a My Fanon)
Comments will return on the 23rd of July. :p And I don't think we should enable them again just yet; I feel we still need some time for things to settle down after the finale. Many comments we were getting were predominantly irrelevant or inappropriate, and many of them contained personal attacks, this was a result of the swelled activity LoK was providing us with. A month will give us time for things to settle down, and if we see it happening before then, I'd like to see comments re-enabled. For now, though, I think it's best to keep them off. Annawantimes (Talk) 06:07, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
If I may...the idea of disabling comments has grown on me, but the fact they have been disabled for a month is a little ridiculous. I understand that there will be a ton, and I mean a TON of people with opinions and points to make, but I honestly think the waiting period should be shortened to something around two weeks, three max. SifuHotman90 (wallcontribs) 06:11, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
Unfortunately, Sifu, most of the people who made this decision as a subsequent compromise won't be in favour of changing it. This was hard fought over by both sides on comments. I think, until there is huge pressure, the blackout period won't be changed. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 06:17, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
  • Facepalm* Just ignore me, I have no idea what I'm doing. I may agree, though, that the whole "1 month after finale" thing is too much for me. While I initially supported the first proposal, I now realize how much I miss the comments, now that they are gone. Perhaps we could move them up to, say, July 7th, Llike SifuHotman Suggested. Truly Pabu Sprite Ferret (a My Fanon) 06:16, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
You would be surprised by the amount of hate comments receive from others. As a Rollback, I can now understand exactly why users like Thailog have a problem with them... And I am afraid, that instead of backing the proposals to keep comments, I will probably stay neutral. That said, the compromise has already been made after lengthy discussion. There will be very little chance of changing the blackout period. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 06:21, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
Hey, y'know what KettleMeetPot?!....I do agree with you (to an extent). I just threw my two cents in to see what everyone thought of it, and like you, I think I'm gonna try to remain as neutral as possible on this topic. SifuHotman90 (wallcontribs) 06:31, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

i believe its a huge mistake and its hurting the wiki. theres very little reason to disable the comments (really everyones riled up, and getting like what violent with their words? yeah right, the 98% i saw were perfect. and that number is very generous.) I would say bring them back, the sooner the better Rydersilver (wallcontribs)

Rydersilver, you do realise that the admins and the rollbacks delete irrelevant and inflammatory comments on a regular basis? I can assure you, there are many cases where comments have been made inappropriately, and there are many, many trolls out there, as well as shippers who do not want to have anything in the way of conducive discussion. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 06:27, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

id say not that much as i see a lot of comments, and when i see bad ones, i report them. and of the past week, ive reported two, both by the same guy. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 07:19, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

What you see with your own two eyes is different from what is operating behind the scenes. If you scroll through the deletion logs of the wikia for each day, you will find that there are many comments that are irrelevant or inappropriate. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 07:24, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

I'm not going to bother arguing for or against, but I would like to point out that this will probably just increase irrelevant spam on the A:TLA pages, like a giant increase on the stupid "who's Lin's father?" comments on the "Toph Beifong" article. Just my two cents, Toph's Fanboy Read My Fanon! http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv319/flutflutflyer/TokkaSpriteSig.png 07:27, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

Perhaps TophsFanboy ^^. But I always found as a general rule that the number of comments made is inversely proportional to the number of links that you make the people who want to comment go through. i.e the removal of comments has inconvenienced those who wanted to go to Lin Beifong's page to comment on "Who is Lin's father", so about half of those people will be bothered to go to Toph's page to put up a comment. Anyway, its just an observation. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 07:31, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

why would you form that hypothesis? tophsfanboy is probably right. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 07:33, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

Rydersilver, both what I said and what TophsFanboy said are assumptions. He said "probably" not "certainly" in his comment, and I just said it was an observation I made from my time on the Internet. I never said I was right, and he never said he was right either. Right now, my last comment and his last comment were opinions. But this is all besides the point. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 07:38, June 23, 2012 (UTC)
I think everyone needs to reread the last forum; then you would (hopefully) understand that a month was the minimum that could have been done. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 13:12, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

Okay so I want to go onto Amon's page and talk about Amon right now and listen to other's thoughts about Amon but guess what, I can't. I have to go to the faux comments page that have all comments about Korra lin, Amon, tarrlok, Yakone everyone. I get that the comments pages were getting out of hand but this is crazy. I want to talk to like-minded people about specific topics. The comment section served that purpose in helping to organize the commments section. I hope that if I (p)itch about this enough then maybe things will change. I know there is another section for this already but I wanted a topic to specifically discuss how this is affecting communicating with others about he finale. Not just comments in general. The blogs page is just too much. Any alternatives would be greatly appreciatedKoh Koh the face stealer 17:13, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

I have to say removing comments is a very bad idea. The blog is just way out of hand. Their is literally a dozen comments per second. Within one minute your comment is already pushed back to the third page that is just so unbelievable something needs to be done. Simply allowing someone to make another blog about a specific topic won't work because everyone might not see your blog and its easier to comment on the page already about that character then creating another one yourself. I say bring back the comments now instead of a month away that is just a no. The current blog right now is a very bad example to show new users and anons no one will want to chat because they can't. Their comments keep getting pushed back. I bet right now my last comment I made about 20 minutes ago is probsbly on the 100th page. Its not even funny. Wikian13000 (wallcontribs) 17:45, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

yeah well said koh koh. this is really bringing the traffic down, and theres pretty much not even a point of having the finale discussion. its not a discussion, its random expressions of their opinions, and then nothing past that. its a jumbled mess that doesnt mean anything. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 21:50, June 23, 2012 (UTC)

I love comments. I love reading them posting them having discussions with other users through themm, and I can bearly bear not having them at my disposal!!!Magicstar351 (wallcontribs) 01:15, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Traffic is not down. There is a huge blog for you to comment on, and our articles are now untouched by the bad comments. ATLA comments are still there. Relax. They'll be back the 23rd of July. This was consensus. It has already been discussed. Just be patient. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:00, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

It wasn't a concensus, I strongly opposed it from the start so I'm bringing up the repurcussions we're suffering because of it. It really has taken about half of the fun out of watching the finale. The comments page is too jumbled and disorganized to have any effective conversation. Koh Koh the face stealer 02:10, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
To be clear, there was a consensus. When it was implemented, there was a much higher rate of support than opposition. If we do modify that original decision by bringing back comments earlier, it was not due to a procedural error. The 888th Avatar (talk) 02:18, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
Yes, it was a consensus. The community has decided it, and it shall stay this way. We did it for a reason: most of those comments on that comments page are irrelevant and stupid. In short, things that don't belong on comments. Discuss your stuff on the blog for now, or make your own or something. For now, comments stay off. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:19, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I'd rather have some irrelevant comments than no comments at all. Let's not limit free speech here. Omashu Rocks (Talk - Crossfire) Bosco 03:16, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

@888th it seemed like the vote was about 50-50. I know you implemented your compromise but I only saw a handful of people in favor of the compromise versus the people who were pro/anti. Koh Koh the face stealer 04:18, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
To be clear, there was a consensus in support of the compromise. There were several oppose comments, but there were more support. Comments before this decision was made were simply out of control. Take it from me, I would sometimes warn nearly ten contributors in just one day. Personal attacks, irrelevance, and foul language were becoming more prevalent and the recent centralization of discussion has drastically slowed the income of these comments to a very minimal amount. I still stand by my reasoning that a month will give us time for things to settle down a bit; by then, I have no doubt we'll see less and less policy-violating comments. Annawantimes (Talk) 04:31, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
(edit conflict) Of the people who actually discussed the compromise itself after it was suggested (rather than an alternative suggestion), BD, KFB, AAA, Thailog, Hasdi, Ultimate, ARG, Annawan and I were all in favour. Ratava gave conditional support. Omar, Rydersilver and DarkKnightRises were in opposition. 9-3 is a very clear margin. Anonymous comments can be considered but are not considered in number-crunching. The 888th Avatar (talk) 04:32, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Annawantimes I understand you job is difficult but I don't see that as a reason to punish the good users and contributers. That being said, why does it need to die down? I was looking forward to people's reactions from the season finale. --Koh Koh the face stealer 04:51, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

okay. blog comments, and one finale discussion are no replacement for comments. stop pretending they are. you said if there was a large enough consensus to bring back the comments, it would happen. the majority is here, right now. and yet in the other forum, there was still opposition yet it was implemented almost immediately. i think we have enough support to bring them back. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 07:29, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I only quickly scanned this discussion -as I think most people who were involved with the last discussion about this did- and I just want to say one thing. Rydersilver: if a community consensus is made, it is not the right thing to do to immediately try to overthrow it just because you do not like the outcome of that community decision. The fact that there is a majority pro-comments on this forum does not prove a thing, as most people are just standing by the made decision and likely do not want to repeat there every thought again on this one. The consensus said a month, so a month should it be. This debate can continue then, but it serves no point now. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 12:15, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

sorry, but we were all told that if we wanted it reverted, we should get the majority on a forum. here, we did it and we have it. The best thing to do would be to revert the comments, give them back. its not just a personal preference, but an improvement for the wiki. and i did not start this forum, but i whole-heartedly support it. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 19:15, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

The best thing would to do would be to honor the community decision and abide by that decision, which is to wait a month. Act as you preach and stand by community decision. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 19:33, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

i disagree. and i believe the previous forum was ended prematurely. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 20:20, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

If you disagree with upholding community decisions, then there really is no point at all to this, as you don't care anyway about it, so we might as well end it here then. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 20:45, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

As others have stated in that forum, turning immediately around and making a forum about something the community already decided is questionable. The community had already decided this; and it is not gone for good. Things will return to normal. Vulmen (talkEoK) 20:46, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

i disagree with comment removals being the best idea, thats why im here. ah, a month is much too long. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 20:49, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

There have been many forums I disagreed upon, but you do not see me starting an immediate counter forum after it to overrule the decision made. You want to know why? Cause that's rude to the rest of the community. The community that cared to comment -and everyone had ample time and possibilities to comment- came to a consensus and we should have the littlest of decency and respect that consensus. Show a bit of community pride, and stand by what the majority came up with, instead of keep trying to force your own way through after the community decided against it. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 21:03, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

do you see me making an immediate counter forum? i think the last one ended prematurely, and i forget who counted the opposing on the previous forum, but there were way more than 3 opposed. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 21:06, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

More than three people opposed to removing all comments. Most people agreed to our compromise. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 21:08, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
I personally believe that the wiki is not about comments. Comments are an optional feature that only renders on select browsers (based on their JavaScript capability). In any way you look at it comments are optional. What is not option is content. The wiki is about content. This is why we are here. I suggest that people deal with the fact that there will not be comments on all pages until July 23, as that is not going to change, but start making more edits on pages. For that one month, we could make the wiki so much better; so rather than just complaining about a decision that will not change, I suggest you make the most of it. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 21:10, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

did anyone actually count? i dont agree with your process of elimination. and the policy even states that we want more users, traffic, etc. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 21:24, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Policy also states that this is not a social networking site. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 21:26, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
Yes, we do understand what the policy states. But we also understand that when the users have decided something, it is carried out. You cannot cancel the decision; the odds were against you in the original thread, so now you want to cheat by making a new thread and cancelling the decision out. Well it is not going to work. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 21:28, June 24, 2012 (UTC)
Is this really going to erupt into another heated discussion? The reasons comments should stay were very strong before, just as the aangst and anger was strong to remove them. Vulmen (talkEoK) 21:29, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

We need comments. Stuff is two controlled right now. Basically, what you guys are doing is dividing the wiki. Putting up walls, separating people, just like a city in Avatar that I know. Even though you guys disabled the comments, the blogs still get more attention than editing. Bring back comments or get rid of IRC too. Comments are the only way people can express themselves without people getting their head bit of by people who don't like what they have to say.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 21:33, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Comments are needed, instead of editing, people like to comment, tell what they think and let others cooperate. Do you know that this wiki main thing is comments that brings peace order and help get more. Without comments, the wiki is at lost my friends, lost i say. I know this may help the wiki but it won't, itll go down, down to the ground. You say editing on the wiki, mostly quarter of the editing as to be reverted cause proved wrong and irrelvant. This compromise is not helping at all. Its lacking the wikis population and the wikis ways stated on the about us page. And this is Sshalwani from a unknown location.

Comments aren't necessarily needed, though they are convinient. I feel like disabling them will prevent a lot of unneeded speculation and harassment towards users who disagree on the topics. I feel like it gives everyone time to cool off from the series.  Technology Wizard  Wall  Contribs  21:37, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Small point of order: comments, disabled or otherwise, are part of the Wiki. IRC is a separate, independent, venue of congregation. People aren't exposed to the IRC channel unless they put themselves through a series of hoops to go there, unlike with comments which are rubbed in our faces in the RC page and in every single article. If anyone doesn't like IRC, don't go there. Either way, please stop comparing comments with the IRC; it's apples and oranges. ― Thailog 21:45, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Reality check: Traffic is not down, you can just as easily discuss LOK with 888's blog, IRC is completely seperate from the wiki (I'm not sure how many times we're gonna have to say that before the message finally sinks in), the compromise was overwhelmingly agreed on (9-3; there was no concensus for removing ALL comments; however, nine people agreed to remove the ones on LOK page for a month in favor of creating a blog where people can discuss Korra, while three opposed and one was neutral. Simple as that.), and there is no reason, and no basis for creating a forum discussing the exact same thing we did a week ago. The comments will be back in 29 days. Are we honestly so comment-addicted that we can't go a measely month without them? I surely hope not, because if we are, then this wiki is losing its purpose. We are an encyclopedia, not a social network. Everyone needs to siriusly get that through their heads.If your doctor is sick, then who is healing you? Read. It's good for you. 22:25, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I should be respecting but I am but I am at a 50/50 chance right now. Comments are needed by those reasons, I am oppessing cause ita unfair, community conseus like come on, by next week people will be leaving, blogs dont help, IRC is not either cause it on other topics, comments do. At least shorten the time period, thatll help. A month too long, if continue, your contributors on the wiki will leave cause they don't see it. Maybe someone will create another one or start a articles comment page on another page. This is losing, Lady said editing will help in a month and no more, you people revert half of the peoples fact and thats why they comment. Change now!! Bring the comments back!! This is Sshalwani.

...I honestly did not understand a word of that.If your doctor is sick, then who is healing you? Read. It's good for you. 22:32, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

So you guys call "9 to 3" a community decision. The reason why the comments are disabled is just because a bunch high ranking users agreed. You guys didn't even give a chance for any body to oppose the the forum. So this was a minority decision.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 22:33, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

do comments make it a social networking site? if that was the case, then they would never come back. so that argument is completely useless. countless people told me that i could make another forum to bring it back, admins included. really? start a conversation about korra being the best avatar, your comment in 888's blog or whatever it is will get lost in seconds, pushed back to page 3 in mere minutes. there are almost 20,000 comments. its disorganized and doesnt serve any purposes besides trying to placate those that want comments, but in no way does it replace comments or invoke discussions. yes, IRC and comments are alike. dont like comments? dont scroll to the bottom of the page. dont read them. IRC is just harder to get to, but alike with comments in the fact that you dont have to deal with them if you dont want to. Recount the vote, there were way more than 3 opposed to the comments. and omar is right, i feel if there were admins on both sides, with the same number of opposed and support, that the discussion wouldnt have just been archived immediately. with opposing arguments still coming in. though it was said if opposition grew, the compromise wouldnt be implemented. well, opposition was there and it mattered nil. and again. it was not a 9-3 ratio. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 22:44, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I'll only reply to the small portion of your post that I understood. Comments to the blog will be pushed down in minutes? So would they in article comments; the difference being that comments would be duplicated and dispersed in different articles. You know, twisting someone's argument around and making it your own is not conducive to a rational debate. You know damn well that article comments can't be as easily avoidable as the IRC, which I bet many people don't even know of. ― Thailog 22:53, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

youre arguing yet you dont even read the opposition. tsk. no, because all of the article comments are being dumped in one place. making it random, sporadic, and countless varying topics. comments in articles wouldnt be pushed down in minutes (just like they never were, or at least 1/20th of how its happening now). im not twisting your argument at all? damn well? please, be polite. and article comments are easily avoidable. if i dont want to read them, i dont have to. thats never been a problem for anyone and you know that. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 22:59, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

Be polite? Then, please, pay me the courtesy of writing in a way I can follow. After all, I'm putting some effort in trying to understand your posts; you should put the same effort in making it easier. Using the shift key to capitalize the first word of each sentence would be a start. Thank you.
Articles comments evidently have been a problem, as documented by the number of people supporting their removal. ― Thailog 23:12, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

you think its impolite that you cant understand my writing? okay, thats not comparable. i dont really want to be a perfectionist for your comforts, sorry. and they have been beneficial as indicated by the opposition. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 23:15, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

They are comparable because you telling me to be polite is just as intrusive as me telling you to use proper grammar. So let's make a deal: you don't ask me to phrase my sentences politely and I won't ask you to phrase yours correctly. As for the topic: we've already debated the pros and cons of comments, which is why the compromise was reached. Keeping it up will only stuck us in a loop. ― Thailog 23:26, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

no, the fact that i dont capitalize is not a go ahead for you to be rude or swear at me. especially when you dont use correct grammar in things less trivial than capitalization, for example "Keeping it up will only stuck us in a loop." either way you pretty much dragged my long paragraph about the comments into this. which is not what this forum is about. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 23:38, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

I fail to see what's grammatically wrong with that sentence, but I guess I'll take your word for it. But that's beside the point, because your bad grammar is not why I snapped; it was because, like I pointed out, you flipped around my argument about IRC being avoidable and used it to support your position. Saying that comments can be easily ignored is untrue and facetious, and as seen in the previous discussion, it's not a strong enough argument to keep or bring comments back before the agreed upon date. ― Thailog 23:59, June 24, 2012 (UTC)

@Lady Lostris I disagree. There wasn't enough time. And there should have been a separate forum made for the compromise as it was a separate proposal. I think the compromise should be voided simple. I personally got tired of reading all of the comments and didn't even notice the proposal until it was too late. I know in some people's mind that's mind fault but as I stated in another forum this wiki should be promoting fairness. Not "most intelligent people rule". As I said before there was no WIKI consensus. A handful of people with the time and energy to read through all of the comments, get to bottom and see that compromise was being proposed unoffically voted and made a decision for hundreds of users. The vote was 9-3 right? I didn't even see the vote. There should have been another forum made so that the topic that was being voted on was absolutely clear.. Since there wasn't this decision should be voided.(Koh the face stealer) 00:04, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

it should be stick, i believe. well i think its true, i even said the same in the previous forum. how are they not? just dont scroll down, dont read them. there wasnt a vote, but the support to opposition was most definitely NOT 9-3. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 00:08, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@Thailog amnf @LL: Not just IRC, also blogging (well less blogging) and editting (less editing, like 5-6 per hour). Have you known and I've studied the comments, most have their theories and tell about information that they find or anything that they think of. You guys said that in a month, editing will be more but unlikely, their won't. Traffic will be down, less editing and commenting, actually there wont be alot of editing, I will leave cause there won't be no fun, some anons and users will come but mostly not. Why not reconsider? It's also unfair that the admins have more power. It's not 9-3 , and prove it Thailog. I am 100% againist this. Change now!! Bring back the comments!! This is for the good of the wiki at least. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 01:05, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

It was 9-3, or 10-3 if you include Ratava's conditional support. I even named the people that fell on either side above. It's all on the thread – it's proven. You're either being really lazy or lying through your teeth. Which is it?
I'm going to put this in the clearest possible terms: there were no policy violations, and therefore the decision is not void. We don't vote unless there is a lack of consensus. In this case, it was pretty clear that there was. There has also never been a requirement to start new forums threads for new proposals; we generally make each thread for each topic, not each proposal. Don't moralise and make up rules on the run for us and criticise us for not following them. I will resign before you make me void a discussion that came to a consensus as defined by the policies that we're supposed to be upholding. If you wish to reverse that decision based on new argumentation (which, as some people have pointed out, is just plain rude), I can't do anything about it. But don't give me this "it wasn't fair" rubbish. Read the damn policies – you can try to change them, as you've done on a separate thread, but they continue to be the authority for the passing of the comment decision in the meantime. The 888th Avatar (talk) 01:19, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

kettle, tech, hammerofthor, and myself. thats four right there, and i didnt go a fifth of the way down the page. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 01:29, June 25, 2012 (UTC) avatarrokusghost as well Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 01:30, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Well, that's interesting; you must be reading them in a different language to me. In the language I use – English – the compromise wasn't suggested until most of the way down to the page, and eight people other than me offered support for it below that. One other, Ratava, supported but wanted other things to happen as well, and three opposed. Don't tell me I have to repeat that again. The 888th Avatar (talk) 01:34, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I wish you guys who oppose this forum would speak in a polite manner. Now, is 13 people the whole community and what is the problem? If you made the best decision on the forum the first time, why not do it again, but really; this forum is already destroyed because of the people who oppose it.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 01:37, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

You must have a thick skin to ask me to "speak" in a polite manner, Omar. In case people didn't notice already, we don't require the whole community to voice an opinion on every damn thing, and 13 people is more opinions than most discussions get. Move on from this "it wasn't valid" nonsense. The 888th Avatar (talk) 01:43, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I am too RS. "Unfair, it's all cause of the community, what does the conseus do, it's making it worst. 888th, do you wanna know what way I'm on? I'm not on the teeth nor am I lazy? I am doing smart talk, now 888th, wanna be that way than do so because the way you do that? But I believe that comments are absolutely needed that will help in the wiki process, I'm doing for the good. I go with not removal, removal of comments will do anything. I will continue cause this is the good of the wiki. And oh my gosh, "damn" is a bad way in talking, you and Thailog are being rude at us, it's not fair, you're treating the wiki contributors as a nobody, instead you make it all. Even through it may be 10-3 or 9-3, I believe that it should be back, it's better to be back than causing a reckless situation in the wiki, more will happen 888th, why don't compromise, change in mind? As for that many want it. Comments are the way in the wiki, less editing, less IRC, less blogging. The most in the statstics are only commenting!! I don't care if you block or whatever, I will continue cause it's not right. Stop treating some new/existing users as nobodies cause that what causing wikians to leave or wikian to start their own or wikian to not be nice or wikian MOSTLY to leave, I will if it continue. Stop now!! Change now!! Bring back the COMMENTS!!! Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 01:44, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

So, now I can't ask you to speak in a polite manner now, but that's what you guys do to me and other people with a passion? See, this is what I was talking about. You guys are not kings and queens. If we were not talking in a impolite manner none of you should be doing that to us. Your an admin, you so supposed to be better behaved than me. And now, only some people can decide if the comments stay and not most of the community?--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 01:56, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sweetheart, you missed the time when you were supposed to share your opinion! It is too late; the comments have been cancelled on certain pages - you can still comment on 888's blog post and on other pages - and that is it. I suggest you find something interesting to do on or off the wiki, cause if writing comments on The Legend of Korra and Film pages only was the only thing you did on the wiki, it might be one boring month for you. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 01:58, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Sshalwani: You don't need to repeat all the arguments against removing comments to me. If you read that forum thread properly, you may just have noticed that I'm against removing comments as well, and wrote extensive essays supporting my point of view. You keep accusing me and others of elitism in a defamatory manner, and it seriously angers me. Well, let me tell you: if I were really elitist, I wouldn't put up with all the rubbish you've said thus far. I would simply delete it or shut down the discussion altogether. I haven't.
Omar: I don't have the patience to answer you here. Just put up or propose removing my rights. The 888th Avatar (talk) 01:59, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

This is truly sad.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 02:00, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@Omar: I think you misunderstand: Administrators are just expected to behave maturely, because you have to be mature to be an administrator on this wiki. All users are expected to be mature, but some just aren't: that's why they don't become administrators. And per 888; just add a forum thread. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 02:01, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Agreed, truly sad. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:03, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I hope the amins put the comments back.Thebigofan (wallcontribs) 02:04, June 25, 2012 (UTC)MD

Actually alot of admins are being that. :( Trying to think us as nobodies, we have rights too and we ask for comment addition but your fighting over alot, showing rudeness. Bring back the comments!!! Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:06, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

This entire discussion sets my teeth on edge because it seems like some individuals believe that they are being personally victimized if their immediate wishes are not acted upon instantly, regardless of community consensus. This issue has long been closed and decided. And by saying this, I have just opened myself up to a high probability of multiple personal attacks. 888 and Thailog, I greatly applaud your patience and fortitude. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:17, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
I, too, applaud the patience and strained attempts to remain calm and reasonable during all this. It's ridiculous that after all this time, insults and accusations are still being thrown to "you guys" / "admins choices" / "admins, put comments back, this is your doing." -- There is enough whining and outright calling out of admins in general to be borderline breaching the Project:Discussion policy. This really has to stop if anyone wants to see forward movement. Stop with pointing to admins, who try to maintain policy and site cohesion, and work together with a better outlook.
To say it again; admins have nothing to do with the comments being disabled, besides the fact that we carried it out. Why did we carry it out? Because the support was highly in favor for not just what was done, but removing comments entirely. So for everyone whining about what admins are doing as damaging; please step back, take a breath, and realize we are doing what we can to try to keep this site healthy and protect its future. STOP insulting us, and join us, as we are all in this together. Vulmen (talkEoK) 02:24, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@888th Profanity? really? And you'd really uphold an unfavorable rule simply because you think it's "Rude" to change it? If you have any shred of proof that disabled comments is what the Wiki wants then I will pack up my chihuahua and go away right now but you don't. It's unreasonable to let 9 people speak for the entire wiki.. And quite frankly next time if you can't get more votes then maybe wait to make a decision. This is getting awfully heated and I'm so disappointed that you'd rather stick by policy than consider a change. And I think you just proved my point this idea of elitism. You don't value Omar's opinion why? you don't consider it intelligent? YOu don't think it's constructive? Everyone's opinion is equal yet you yourself just deemed someone's opinion unworthy of a response. I want another vote. For reasons stated here and in another forum, the initially vote was misleading as so many people are discontent. (Koh the face stealer) 02:27, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

We're not all in this together and that is obvious. I didn't make not one insult on this forum, but it is okay for you guys to talk impolite to me. As soon as you guys saw this you posted impolite comments, but that's okay for some of you. That compromise should of had it's own forum.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 02:29, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Vulmen, for me, I see admins as not being nice and all, I too have side with admins but it is unfair that even through, we highly ask for comments to be returned but still, I will continue this, this is not helping. FYI, we are not insulting, they are doing it to us in a rude manner, we are being the polite but OMG still, you people don't understand and that's sad, very sad to me. Vulmen, I suggest that at least put the comments back cause that will help alot. Admins are helping but this is a fail help, the truth it is. BRING BACK THE COMMENTS PLEASE???? :( Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:32, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

If you wanna blame someone for this, blame me. I was the one who originally made the proposal. You should feel lucky that you still have comments at all: If me and 888 hadn't gotten a compromise, we would have gotten to the point of voting, at which point all comments might have been removed forever. Now, you are not going to get anything done by yelling and screaming "BRING BACK TEH COMMENTZ DEY ARE ALL I DO ON DIS WIKI". Find something else to do. Edit. Make a blog. Write a fanon. Whatever. We had consensus. Stop whining about it.

I realize how rude I am being, but this is driving me waaaay up a wall. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:34, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

You and everyone else BlueDagger. Vulmen (talkEoK) 02:36, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Once again, the admins are not being rude or elitist by not acting upon pleading requests to immediately reinstate comments. If they were to do so without a community consensus, that would be a severe breach of wiki policy. I for one feel pity for the real victims. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:37, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
BlueDagger, you said what I meant to say but more accurately. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:38, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Impolite, I know Light that you are trying to help the wiki but I don't think a conseus will help, this conseus is rude, the admins and people are being rude here, we are asking for comments, I don't just comment, I do more but I do support that comments should be needed. I think comments are supportively needed, please help us? We need the comments back.... Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:39, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Guys, really, I know he's being blunt, but BD is absolutely right. You guys need to let it go - we had a consensus/compromise on it, and that's all there is to it. There is no need to bring this up again. What's done is done. Period. We have a lot more that can be discussed atm than continuing to go on and on about this. Katara and Bolin Fanboy Send me a messenger hawk Katara Sprite Season 3Bolin sprite 02:40, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

BlueDaggar, I think I need my ears checked, because that was just music to them. Enough was said: stop whining; we reached consensus; you should have been more active in our discussions; as BD said, you can even count yourselves lucky. Plus comments are still available on certain pages. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 02:41, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

We do not need comments. Look at the wiki since they've been removed: I have hardly seen a single irrelevant comment or flame war or spamming user or troll! Discussions have been great, much better than they ever were before. People can get along just fine without comments. Besides, if all people came on here to do is comment, then they came to the wrong site. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:43, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@BD. I've deleted a lot of inappropriate things still, as well as had to issue some blocks again. -shrugs- Vulmen (talkEoK) 02:45, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Haha, I did say I hardly saw any. :P Still, there is a noticeable decrease. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:46, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I....... I won't PSU, you guys don't understand, comments are needed, more than editing and more, but you guys don't get the point, I wish it could be more accurate but this is how I can say, people talk about different characters and different things on the same articles, such as ex. like on Republic City page or Yu in the wiki Dao page "Yu Dao may be Republic City cause of the modern industrial there." Editing, I know it's more importantand users do they edit it but when reverted (75% reverted), it is unproven, unofficial, relevant. Users comment and helps more better more than blogging or IRC. Commenting is the key and thing :) but you guys don't just see it. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:48, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

No. We do not need comments. At all. They are an optional, secondary feature to Wikia. We are an encyclopedia of Avatar, and without comments, we would be just the same. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:50, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

See, I'm really letting you guys treat me like a punching bag here. Let me get this straight. I have made no insulting post on this forum. For the most part, most of the people that agree with the forum have made no impolite comment. I can't say the same for the other certain users. All I'm going to say is that forum should have got more attention than it did. If you let 13 people control the path of the wiki, you might as well name those people the council. A big part of this community is the comments, a big part of the community should decide the fate of commenting.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 02:51, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Might I just say this? It seems to me that the admins removed comments with the best interests of the wiki in mind. The few users desperately begging for them back seem to have their own interests in mind, rather than the wiki's. This site is a repository for information, not a networking site. It is not user victimization to hold the interests of the wiki above the interests of an individual editor. It is the responsibility of the admins to uphold the interests of the wiki at all times. They have done so. No futher action should be taken. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:53, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Agreed. Comments are needed mostly as the big part of the community like my other forum post before Omar067. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 02:53, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

@Sshalwani (Edit conflicts) People can make blogs to discuss any theories that they have, much like how 888 made the central blog for discussion on the finale, or SifuHotman to allow people to discuss shipping or whatnot. Discussion gets done just as effectively without a need for article comments. BD and many of us have shown how poor article commenting became, and like he said, you're lucky we still have them at all. Katara and Bolin Fanboy Send me a messenger hawk Katara Sprite Season 3Bolin sprite 02:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Might I just say this? It seems to me that the admins removed comments with the best interests of the wiki in mind. The few users desperately begging for them back seem to have their own interests in mind, rather than the wiki's. This site is a repository for information, not a networking site. It is not user victimization to hold the interests of the wiki above the interests of an individual editor. It is the responsibility of the admins to uphold the interests of the wiki at all times. They have done so. No futher action should be taken. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:53, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I'm not blaming the Admins for anything to be clear. I'm not making any personal attacks. If I have I'm sorry. I don't want to give anyone a reason to get offended and have this decision be cluttered by hurt feelings. I want what's best for the wiki just like everyone else. That being said I stand by the fact that the initial decision wasn't really representative of the wiki. I understand that the majority of decisions can be made via discussion and consensus. It really works great for the wiki for everything but this recent decision. The difference is the comments aren't a page name, or a character pic, or a quote. People comment on the wiki more than they do anything else. This decision waas too big to be made the way it was made. And The proof is in the backlash we're getting now. It's not what people wanted. Please no one take anything I've said personally because for the most part I do admire the efficiency of the wiki. I just think for this particular part, the wiki rules may not have been the best guidelines. (Koh the face stealer) 02:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

People commenting on this wiki more than anything else is the problem. THIS IS NOT A SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE. Talking to people is not the point of this! THIS IS AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. USERS ARE SUPPOSED TO JOIN TO CONTRIBUTE, NOT TO TALK TO EACH OTHER. SIMPLE. AS. THAT. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 02:56, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

This site is first and foremost an encyclopedia. All other considerations, including comments, are secondary and detract from its efficiency. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 02:58, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Monkeyfeathers....that's a very insulting assumption you just made. So everyone who disagrees with you is selfish? did I read that right? `(Koh the face stealer) 02:57, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Wow, BlueDagger. Ninja'd the words right out of my mouth... those edit conflicts. Perfect XD Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 03:00, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Okay, everyone, it's either that we are whining or yelling. This will lead to no changes, as the thread is pretty much invalid - we are not making any changes, period/full stop. Let's just end this.
Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Oppose 03:03, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I give up. You just can't beat a team of admins and rollbacks smashed together.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 03:07, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

(You just had to say that, didn't you?) The total administrators on the wiki are seven, two of them bureaucrats and twenty eight rollbacks. There are 8892 users that have no special user rights. Thirty five is far less than 8892, isn't it? So don't try to look like the odds are against you just because thirty-five users with a couple of more rights always automatically "win". Get those eight-thousand eight-hundred users to come here and share their opinions rather than complain. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 03:12, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

This isn't about winning. This is about expressing the fact that this was an unfavorable decision and preventing future unfavorable decisions. And just to counter the "those who want comments back only have their own interests in mind" argument Monkeyfeathers if I'm correct you said something along the lines of it's harder (for you) to moderate comments so disabling the comments section would make things easier (for you). Forgive the personal attack but calling everyone selfish because the want comments back is just bleh. Anyway I have stated my opinion numerous times. Unfortunately the wiki isn't changing so I'm glad we had this talk. (Koh the face stealer) 03:12, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Did you even read my reply? If you want something to change, organize those 8892 users to come together and share their opinions. That's as much as any of us can do. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) No check 03:17, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
I have never said that I wanted comments gone because they are hard to moderate. Others have said so, but not me.

What I have said is that this wiki is an encyclopedia. This is not a social networking site. Comments are an unnecessary feature that detracts from its seriousness. The interests of the wiki must be upheld above all else. If I have been unclear, I humbly beg forgiveness. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 03:19, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Out of those 8892 users without rights, only just about 100 user like me try to control their own destiny. Most users like me don't even know this place exists, but all rollbacks and admins do, and those two groups of users CONTROLL the wiki. You guys saw the backlash from the comment removal. I'll leave it at that.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 03:21, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I won't leave.... Comments need to be needed. Omar may give up but I never will. BD, you are being absolute wrong cause you're not seeing the causes & effects. You guys don't understand, comments are needed, more than editing and more, but you guys don't get the point, I wish it could be more accurate but this is how I can say, people talk about different characters and different things on the same articles, such as ex. like on Republic City page or Yu in the wiki Dao page "Yu Dao may be Republic City cause of the modern industrial there." Editing, I know it's more importantand users do they edit it but when reverted (75% reverted), it is unproven, unofficial, relevant. Users comment and helps more better more than blogging or IRC. Commenting is the key and thing :) but you guys don't just see it. This is why comments are needed? Blogs may, 888th blogs is not in order, it's screwed and it just packed up filling many comments that need to be in right order. Comments are needed, mostly on articles of Korra and more. We need comments!! Comments are the thing.... I will not stop. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 03:24, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

If comments are needed, why do most wikis not have them? They are not needed. They're an optional feature. I cannot even understand your reasoning for why they are. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 03:26, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Cause more than editing, and if you take off comments, editing will still not help, blogging may still not help, IRC will still not help, this is causing traffic slow and useless, the wiki will be complete trash. Comments are more needed and nothing will help. That's very sad that you BD are doing that, you are doing the mad like Tarrlok, comments are more needed. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 03:30, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

And we need this traffic because...? Traffic that does nothing but comment is not needed traffic. What we need is contributors, and commenting rarely brings that. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 03:33, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Commenting helps make people's minds think of what they said and respond, they may be bad/mean/irrelvant/selfish (you are being selfish) but commenting make the fun in the wiki. Take that fun, what you get? You get nothing, you are not hurting one, you are hurting tons and this has gotten out of order. Stop it, BlueDagger, this will not work at all. This is totally nothing that will help but will make a revolt over comments. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 03:36, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sshalwani, there is absolutely no use arguing about this. The compromise was made, and there were a bunch of notices put out beforehand on the main page, so if people really, really cared, they had a chance to put in their voice. And this is only a period of cool-down from the end of the season and is temporary. Just wait, and you'll have your comments back. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 03:41, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

FYI BD, I do contributing by editing. I'm on the people's side to help. Look, it may be a social networking site but at least, they read and write, read and write.

And you need to work on stop insulting and behaving feel cause you're being bad person to everyone. If anyone reads this and see it, they see you as a bad person like Amon or Tarrlok.

BD, Commenting is fun. You don't see it. You want the wiki to be like a regular encylopedia with only words, and nothing that is suppose to be here. You got the words and pictures, but you're missing the fun in the book, a book is a book, a book has many things. As substitue saying, a book with words and pictures is fun, a book with words with few pictures still is fun a little, a book with words and nothing interesting makes it a nothing to read about. In the wiki, you got the thing the world needs to know but come on, you're missing the fun, that's commenting. Now without this, imagine how the wiki would be, HORRIBLE!!

"COMMENTS RULEZ!!!" Sometimes, people use slang and slang is ok, people say slang is the newest way to the English language and believe slang is needed in the world. The bad, it's bad news but we can handle, why do you think there's rollbacks mostly and admins, not to handle edits but comments too. "AANG IS HOT!!" Bad term but let it be, they are telling of what they think. I remember when I caused a problem, people told me, they can do it any way they can, as long as it's not bad, so yea, let it be and accept it, it's telling of how he/she thinking.

BD, you are being a mean and gotta stop NOW!!! I spend many time for this and this is why? Let it be and let comments be in the wiki. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 03:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

First, it's like I said. Fun is not our priority. Never was, isn't now. When talking about comments on the other forum, "fun" was never mentioned. Why? It's irrelevant.
Second, you're acting like comments are gone forever. They're not. The Korra article comments are gone for one month, with a blog for people to talk about Korra.
It's not the end of the world. Until then go find a forum or go on Tumblr or Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or something. But you're arguing for nothing. Just stop. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 03:57, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

No I will continue.... 888th's blog is not at good way, the blog is unorderly made. All about the season finale, it's unorderly made. Seprate articles of different things such as Republic City, and other Legend of Korra need to have comments again so they can talk, one blog to comment, do you know how selfish that is? Seprate articles so people can talk on one thing they want, then many things on one blog causing a blog continous. Look, more than 5k, cause they have no choice and just go by admin and here's proof, on the first day and many other days of the blog of 888th, there were numerous users that were talking of the comments removal and let me tell you this, fun is the thing!!! BD, you have gone to the wrong way. :) Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:04, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

"Fun is the thing"? This is what I was saying about personal interests coming before wiki interests. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 04:06, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

You guys are being irrelvant and are thinking wrong and MF and BD, you guys are so serious of comments, can't acccept that comments are needed for you don't see? Comments are absolute needed, don't see it well check it out. You got the wrong points, go check and return to me to know, cause this is reckless and wrong BD and MF. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:09, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sshalwani, no. Comments are not needed for anything but the fun of a few people who only come to comment. Fun will never be put above the wiki. Never. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 04:17, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Why can't the wiki be the wiki AND be fun? : Koh Koh the Face Stealer 04:20, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I have to partially disagree here. Wika's first message for founders includes "have fun". However comments are just an optional perk. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Korra-chao2 04:21, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Awards, fanons, and ratings, theories, alot of things.... These are what mostly the comments are for... Comments are the biggest thing in the wiki. You don't see it cause you want it formal, sourceable, non-funable, informative, but guess what? You're not. You're falling the wiki down so also the editing, your falling that down, at least they don't edit much but they do read and comment on that page cause their edits get reverted cause of the following reasons, irrelvant, uninformative, proven wrong. Commenting is easier and better. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:23, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Yes, Matey, wikis are supposed to be fun. However, fun should never be put before wiki upkeep. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 04:26, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I suggest you check into comments in other wikis and let me know, and I'm not giving up. You got the wrong idea, comments are needed. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:30, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

You have yet to tell me why they are needed in a cohesive manner. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 04:31, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
I have had my share of fun on the comments, but the role of the wiki is to provide factual information, not entertainment. The quality of edits is not declining because of the lack of comments on Korra-related pages. I would like to point out that nothing has been done to inhibit awards, fanons, ratings, and theories. And Koh, the signature looks fantastic. Très jaloux right here. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 04:32, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I did so many times geezz. I'm doing for the people and if comments or anything is not right, I will fight/leave cause this wiki will suck by what's it doing. I say, let's go back to the original form. Have you known this is one form of expressing? Expressing their views and tell... Comments RULES!!! You got the wrong point. What wikis do not have comments and if they don't, you ruin it all jk but serioiusly, comments are absolute needed in this fun-enjoyable wiki. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:36, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I'm sorry, I really can barely understand you. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 04:38, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

And you got the wrong point of commenting. Have fun. Add back the comments!! Comments are needed, stating as last time. No supporter is here now but they know comments are needed. If I was you and I did that, I would check out again and see the possibilties and think of how the wiki would be with this than without? Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:44, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

You have so far failed to provide a single reason why comments should stay besides "fun". Your responses are rambling at best, incoherent at worst. I really am willing to listen to real reasons why they should stay, but this current discussion is going nowhere important. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 04:49, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

And I rather you guys stop this. MonkeyFeathers, do you really want comments to go? Even through, comments made fun, comments made theories come from anons mostly than they blogging, people talking about the characters on the characters' page they wanna comment about. People talk in the cities as comments like, "Republic City is Yu Dao." You see, the comments are both fun/informative/hypothesis kind of comment. Well not just fun but alot in comments. And if anynomous users can't blog, how will they comment, they may comment on blog posts but what if they wanna on characters and important pages of Korra, how? Now tell them to go create a wiki account and create a blog, now that'll bring nothing to the wiki for them, they'll leave and won't contribute either. Now for the wikian people, I will do something since you summon to not and wait for a month and comments will come. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 04:59, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Wow. Omar and guy whose Username I can't spell, I admire you passion and I envy your youth but I think you've made your point. So let's stop living in the past and start figuring out a way to garner enough support to win comments back after the 23rd so this never happens again. I think energybending is best spent that way. Koh Koh the Face Stealer 05:05, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sshalwani, you are making it sound like you're fighting for comments. You aren't. Comments are still there, and they'll be back everywhere in a month. Just learn some patience and drop this. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 05:08, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Hahaha Koh, well I'm with you. You, me, and Omar need support, alot of support. Let's work as a good group, not wikequalists, just a simple team and get support to get the comments back before the 23rd of July. We have four others, we have to get the comments back, they are the way. They don't understand. Koh, I'll messagee you. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 05:10, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Well I will continue too, well comments are needed, BD once we have the supports, we will try to bring you down and get the comments in the wiki permantely without a doubt cause I and many users I believe need comments on the wiki. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 05:19, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Seriously, this is a joke. We already have a consensus/compromise in the previous forum, so why is this still here? If you say that the users whom participated in said forum are not representative of the entire community, and that it was too big of a decision to be made by 9 supporters, then would you mind reminding the remainder of users across the wiki to have the least bit of initiative to come on in and voice their opinions? Guess what, they didn't. Instead, the only users who cared enough about the comments section to be participating in said discussion were the few lot that we've seen. The rest won't even make an effort for their opinions to be heard. Therefore you can't really blame the Admins for all the outcome that displeases you. It's simply childish. To drag out a War Room thread just because there were "too few users present" is just an excuse to delay the inevitable decision, and in the end no decision would've been made to improve the wiki. We'll be stuck with a thread that has lasted for months, perhaps years just because of the "not enough participants" excuse.
Personally, I'm in favor of keeping the comments. But a decision has been made by the community -at least those cared enough to show up- and if you would have the tinniest bit of decency, you should respect that community decision and wait the month out. If you can't even do that, and instead chose to whine about how much you missed the comments, then this thread isn't worth considering either. I regret missing out on the discussion, but it's too late now; I've missed my chance, and this is all I can do now: Get over it. Starting another debate here is not in the least way beneficial to us.
Be grateful that we still have comments after the waiting period. Axiovatar Talk 05:28, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Err, sorry if this is a late response, but 'I never agreed to anything proposal, nor did I oppose any.' Please do not assume my decisions without even asking me.  Technology Wizard  Wall  Contribs  05:47, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

ohh sorry tech, i read the forum back there and i thought it was evident you opposed them. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 06:50, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

My first comment on this forum obviously shows that I oppose the idea of adding the comments back, and you made everyone think that I opposed their removal, and I never said anything about supporting or opposing in the first place.  Technology Wizard  Wall  Contribs  07:04, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Tech, "Personally I oppose removing comments, but I feel that we should enforce something to delete those unneeded comments. Technology Wizard Wall Contribs 16:07, June 17, 2012 (UTC)". thats quoting you. hey dont get so mad at me for assuming something, but youre assuming this yourself. i said you opposed it in the last forum, and that comment proves it. so is it 9-3? no, and i barely scratched the surface.

888, please speak in a polite manner. Haha please, are you that high and mighty? Its ridiculous if youre lashing out at people and we ask you to be kinder? Weve all been nice, do the same. Also, you cant just delete this discussion. Sure, you have the option to, but it would be reverted. And your elitism would condemn you.

Mateyy, the time that passed was less than a day. Really, it slipped by under the radar not because it wasn’t a community message, but because of the effort required to maintain the conversation, and more importantly, the little time in which a “consensus” was reached, though more opposition was growing. Really? We have 8892 ACTIVE users on this wiki? Please, let me see them all discuss this. Like omar said, very very few, maybe a 100 want to affect the wiki for the future. Most of that 100 doubtfully know of these forums. But youre right, comments are an optional perk. Perk, they benefit the wiki.

A light in the Shining Darkness, “"BRING BACK TEH COMMENTZ DEY ARE ALL I DO ON DIS WIKI".” Is pretty far from what anyone has said. Besides, you think comments would be gone forever? Youre the one who said it had a 1% chance of happening, don’t try to placate us and settle for second best. Secondly, “THIS IS NOT A SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE” means nothing. If comments made it a social networking site, we would get rid of them permanently. AND, nobody is trying to get it to be one and nobody said talking is the point of the wiki. If comments detracted from its efficiency, again, no comments. But were going to keep them. Also, in the last forum, some said comments brought them to the wiki, they brought me too. Oh and I know your favorite word is stop, but stop telling us to stop commenting on this thread.

You guys keep saying there was a consensus, but really, there probably shouldve been a different forum. So that people would see it. A lot of people said they wanted to keep the comments in the beginning and now you don’t count their vote because they didn’t restate their opinion after the compromised was introduced. Not only that, but that compromise wouldn’t reach everyone who wasn’t strongly opinionated and had the time to keep up with it.

Take a step into the mind of someone who has no respect for the wiki. They want to shout out or get noticed, just because they cant do it on amons page, you think they wont take their personality to another page? Really? Think logically for a moment, its going to have a very slight affect.

And omar, im sorry youre completely right about the punching bag, this is a bit ridiculous for a civilized wiki.

Monkeyfeathers94, im arguing for the wiki, not myself at all. Please don’t assume my intentions, or the others.

Psu avatar, you really think discussion is as easy as before? That traffic is the same? No, I used to comment a lot. But have I done any blogs or whatever you guys name? no. and im sure the same goes for the other 75%, with most the exception being 888s blog post, which doesn’t achieve anything. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 07:49, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Rydersilver: Frankly, this is getting nowhere. A decision is made, and nothing will change it's outcome. Comments will be back after one month, so what are you all protesting about? If another similar issue arises in the near future, you are more than welcomed to participate in it. :) Hopefully after this incident users will be made aware on the pros and cons of our comment's section, and also the existence of the War Room. Axiovatar Talk 09:32, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
Do you know why this thread angered me so much earlier today? Because I got the impression that people didn't have any regard for what was actually written on the page. They didn't like the facts presented in front of them, so they resorted to truthiness. For example:
  • I repeated details of the margin of the original discussion three times. Yet it continued to be challenged as if I couldn't read, or I didn't know policy.
  • I said, "If I were really elitist, I wouldn't put up with all the rubbish you've said thus far. I would simply delete it or shut down the discussion altogether. I haven't." (Emphasis added.) Yet Rydersilver replied, "Also, you cant just delete this discussion. Sure, you have the option to, but it would be reverted."
  • I said, "I don't have the patience to answer you here." This was in response to Omar making a behavioural point, not an argument about comments. Yet Koh replied, "And I think you just proved my point this idea of elitism. You don't value Omar's opinion why? you don't consider it intelligent? YOu don't think it's constructive? Everyone's opinion is equal yet you yourself just deemed someone's opinion unworthy of a response." The point I was responding to had nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
Anyone still wondering why I lost patience? I can't believe that for some people, we're now a wiki where contrived belief is now more important than logic or fact. And by the way – "damn" is not considered profanity on this wiki. If it were, I wouldn't be admin for long if I really had such a poor understanding of our discussion guidelines. The 888th Avatar (talk) 10:21, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

We were on comments 888th but you talking of behavior and problems. I believe Omar's opinion cause he makes sense of comments, comments are one thing in the wiki that is needed, it is fun, informative (by telling their opinions and facts that they believe is to be told), theorical (they write theories, people respond and it does in seprate articles, mostly for anons.), Anons are able to comment and edit, but they can't blog, and mostly anons are here and they comment mostly. You made a blog, fine but its messed up cause it's on different topics and messed up. Seprate articles such as the article Republic City, write on what is about Republic City. If you take down comments, the anons and users are down as well. This conseus/compromise to me is wrong and needs to be changed, and more people, they just can't wait for a month, they will leave, and if BD wins the comment removal then the wiki is down and I and many people will leave like Republic City and the Equalists but that's not my point. Comments are needed, please reconsider?Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 16:26, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

This discussion is over!!! 888th, do whatever to this forum but once comments are back, they must be here forever please, or I will continue my support for comments and make a bigger situtation in the wiki. Thanks, BD Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 16:29, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

funny thing here axioavatar, if we do get the majority on our side, it does change. so stop saying it wont, because im not wasting my time here. multiple people, admins included, have told me that if i wanted, i could make this forum, well someone else did and im supporting it. the last forum wasnt.. right, i wouldnt be doing this if i thought it was rude, i believe you should voice your opinion, whats best for the wiki is what matters. 888, i know you said if, i was saying, as well, that if you were elitist, what i described is what would transpire. also youre saying this is what caused you to get angry from before? well... you said you get angry wayy before i said the "if you were elitist..." etc. 888, omar was addressing you to speak politely, asking nicely, though he was being verbally abused. you said " I don't have the patience to answer you here. Just put up or propose removing my rights." in response to him requesting a kinder attitude. that is so not fair. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 16:59, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Agreed!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 17:04, June 25, 2012

I'm asking you to wait for one measly month, is that too much to ask? A month is the rational time frame in order to fully test the capabilities of this "new" comment system, and is also the suitable period for the explosion of comments to hopefully die down enough so that comments would be easier to handle by then. That's the purpose. We've already made it clear, on red bold letters, that comments will resume on 23rd; what makes you think that visitors will not return by then? Besides, a clear compromise was made in favor of centralizing comments into one hub until one month after the finale. Going against this decision prematurely simply because the number of opposers are in the minority seemed too bias, don't you think? This thread should've ended with Lady Lostris' final reply. Please, by all means re-read it as many times as you wish. Hopefully you'll get the message. Axiovatar Talk 17:37, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

id say no time is better, axioavatar you agreed that comments should stay anyway. the reasons ive stated above? yes i just reread the forum and ive found some interesting facts Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 17:46, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

9-3? what a lie that is. i have counted 19 against. then, 888, mateyy, and avatarrokus ghost switched their support to the compromise. forgive me if i missed one or two, i dont believe i did, but that bring it to 16 against removal of comments. i did not count the support. but wow. just wow. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 17:50, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Sshalwani, we finally agree on something: this discussion is over. Nothing new has been said for a long time, and all of the "reasons" to render the compromise void have been rebutted. ― Thailog 18:04, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

do you not read thailog? because the message above yours completely contradicts it. the discussion is not over until a consensus is reached. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 18:11, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I do read a lot, but obviously some participants here don't, as showcased by the poor use and mistreatment of the English language, which is actually discouraging me from reading this forum any further...
Consensus is not gauged by who is in the majority. This is not a ballot. You can have 50 people whining and shouting "bring comments back" but it would make no difference. Decisions are not catered to upon demand. In order for this motion to pass, the supporters need to present well-sustained reasons to justify the voiding of the compromise. So far, none have. All arguments are nothing but "truthiness", whimsical desires and wild accusations of unfairness and foul play. All of which have been torn to the ground. ― Thailog 18:31, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

in my opinion, it is the complete opposite. we have presented enough evidence, we have the majority, we have enough logic, whereas the opposition only insults and acts rude. so what now? Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 18:41, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

p.s. consensus means majority of opinion. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 18:42, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

I did not give you a definition of consensus; I explained how it is gauged. Strength of argument is always more important then number of aye/nay-sayers. Otherwise drastic decisions would be hostage to whims and personal preferences, which is exactly what is happening here. There hasn't been one single reasonable argument to render the consensus reached in the other forum null. Saying "bring comments back because I love them" is certainly not a good enough reason to overrule community decision. Having said that, can you count? Because I only count eight people wanting comments back before the agreed upon date (Sshalwani, SifuHotman90, Truly Ferret, Rydersilver, Wikian13000, Koh, Omashu Rocks, Omar067), many of whom only provided flimsy reasons for it, while others are evoking foul play. Then there's Magicstar351 and Thebigofan who "like comments"... Again, not really a good reason to contravene consensus. Then, I count twelve people standing by the previous community decision (Annawantimes, KettleMeetPot, Matey Y, The 888th Avatar, BD, Lady Lostris, Vulmen, Technology Wizard, me, AAA, Monkeyfeathers94, Axiovatar). In what Bizarro World "up" is "down" and 8 is more than 12? ― Thailog 19:25, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

youre pretty much saying us government is completely flawed. anyway, i have given multiple substantial reasons of why comments should be implemented now. if you failed to see it or understand it, at least dont pretend i didnt. others have too, on this forum as well. i could just as easily say you dont have one reason why we shouldnt change the current method of blocking comments. lets not play that way? okay? yes i can count, is it surprising to you? did you just learn how to? no, actually, it was 17 against comments. then 888, mateyy, and ARG supported the compromise. that 14 then. underneath this i posted the previous forums signatures, and underneath their signature is a quote (only one or two, though they probably spoke many more times) showing their opposition to removal of comments. just to prove your counts wrong, and to clear things up.

Comment Advocacy (opposition to removal of comments): KettleMeetPot I wholeheartedly (dis)agree to this proposal.

(RandomGirlYouDon'tKnow) Maybe what we should do, is try and regulate the comments… but one of my favorite things about this Wiki, is the commenting section,

Technology Wizard  Wall  Contribs  16:07, June 17, 2012 (UTC)

Personally I oppose removing comments, but I feel that we should enforce something to delete those unneeded comments.

HAMMEROFTHOR , but I cannot support this proposal. “It is stated on Avatar Wiki:About that one of the goals of the wiki is "To create a community site for members to share their views and their theories on the Avatar shows and movies." Removing comments removes the main way users share their views and theories, in particular anonymous users. If they have nowhere to share their views, they are less likely to stick around. Most anon's do not go straight into editing articles; they start by making comments. I have read a lot of comments that were excellently well written and presented well-constructed arguments, and made me want to reply. Not all comments are like this, but simply removing all comments seems a step too far. It eliminates the main community aspect of the wiki, and in my opinion, would make this place a lot more dull.”

AvatarRokus Ghost

Could not disagree more. Article comments have played an important part in the growth and development of Avatar Wiki and taking them away would be a huge step back for us.


We need comments.-

-RaggaR Comments are part of fans who like to comment avatar, LoK or A:TLA. I do agree that most of it is useless, but there should be some way of having these comments here, but keep them as clean and appropriate as possible. –

Krazykid51 First off: totally disagree with this proposal. Although I didn't comment myself when I first saw this wiki, I sure as hell took a look at them. There were some pretty insightful opinions around, and there still are today. There's no way I wanna see them go.

Mateyy I say we keep them. The wiki will loose quite a lot of users if we remove the comments. On top of that, the comments are a way we share opinions - especially anons. They have no other way to do so, and many of them are not willing to register. If we remove all comments from articles, we remove a part of our identity as a wiki that welcomes all users.

Thailog, you know very well that comments are currently easily maintained, and the problem they cause do not seem to take us much time to fix. And to add to my last point, there are some thousand pages and just a handful of blog posts. And if we remove comments and push anons to register to talk about their opinion, then many of them would plain quit, as they might not like the idea. Do not forget that we stand behind the idea of allowing people to speak out. Removing all comments would truly harm the image of the wiki in many people's eyes, especially when done without any serious reason.

EriHonjo (wall • contribs) I propose we watch within the next few weeks and see their behavior and then come to a consensus. That way, if they truly are as unruly as some think they are everyone can see what the problem is. If majority thinks that the comments are ok then we should keep it.-

Vulmen (talk • EoK) 03:02, June 18, 2012 (UTC) But guess what; Omar's right! We'd see less life too. That is not a benefit. This wiki has thrived on its ability to allowing multiple methods of collaboration and the benefit that comments uses at drawing in a heavy wave of attention and -- RETURN visitors. Eventually people that keep returning end up making accounts. People who make accounts begin dabbling in editing, branching out and meeting other users. Some of those improve their behavior while here, and end up attaining rollback. It's the lifeblood of this wiki! Sure; wiki's can and do live without comments, but it's a large factor in how this community was built. Think about it; right now we are the "number one" go-to for anything and everything 'Avatar.' Fans being able to actually participate on each page, as a nony or a user, has been a great reason for this. Removing comments would be a blow to this wiki. It would not be the wiki I joined, as it would indeed feel much, much different, getting fan activity cut down like that.

Koh Koh the face stealer

Hmm how do I feel about this....Let's put it this way, if the wiki were a government then I would rule this notion unconstitutional and just plain wrong. I also think it's a little funny that someone called Omar out for petty name calling but ignored the person who committed an the exact same crime against Omar by calling him jealous. That's beside the point though. I stand by everything Avatar Roku's Ghost said. ....

The 888th Avatar In the end, though, you can name as many inconveniences or problems as you like, but they are nothing compared to the biggest issue of all. We need persistent, returning interest to attract a viable community that is dedicated to maintaining the site at its current high standard. It would be a much more considerable inconvenience to all if this wiki's ability to attract return traffic was harmed. You need to stop dismissing the facts the myself and others in opposition have raised as "assumptions". That comments have brought new users is well-established. Let's just use the admins as a sample group. You know that two admins, Vulmen and ARG, admit that their participatory origins lie in comments. Lostris' first five contributions were also comments. That makes three from six (even if you account for Lostris' five month absence after her original comments, it's two from six), with the other three of the admins being contributors long before there were comments. And this is a sample group that is skewed towards people present before there were comments! We could extend this sample group to all rollback users, or all registered users (the average time on this wiki for both groups is of course lower), but it clear that if you check the contributions of many users, at least one of their first contributions to the wiki was a comment. Even the originator of this proposal had a comment as his first contribution.

BlackMonkey I just want to also add my strong opposition to this proposal. Yeah, maybe we are getting a lot more users spamming and making traffic in our wiki, but that's why our wiki is so good and popular. A new user may want to just quickly share their thought on an episode or character, because that's a simple way how. Breaking away from the mainspace, what if there were no comments on fanon articles? That's the main way to leave your thoughts on a new chapter or story. I know who has read my fanon by the comments and what they think of it. I just think that taking away comments from us would be both the loss of a simple way users can share their thoughts and lots of traffic on our wiki.

unsigned comment added by Ghostsheets (wall • contribs) This note was added on 19:47, June 25, 2012 (UTC). While I have just become active again from earlier this year (school) and I love how active the community is. And while I have read and agree with some of those who think we should disable this feature, I know that I and other users love this feature. Comments like 'mako is so hot' said over and over again, and some people are well trolling (I haven't actually really seen any of this. I've seen vulgar language and some arguments or debates, but never actually any trolling but I guess I wouldn't know that much since I don't really go through the pages of comments). There are always going to be bad eggs, but I and I'm sure others out of the hundreds that visit this site wouldn't mind lending in a hand by throwing the bad eggs in the bin to keep these comments. I really hope I haven't rambled too much. I'm really not comfortable here seeing a little well, 'harder' arguing going on between a few, but I thought I would just put in my experience with comments and my views. —Preceding

DarkKnightRises (wall • contribs) 23:37, June 19, 2012 (UTC) Why don't we just leave things the way they are? People need to be able to talk, and they need to be able to do so on the respective article pages. If we were to remove or patrol the comments section, we would be violating ones' freedom of speech and press. I know many of the comments are stupid, but they are part of what the Wiki is. It is human nature to gossip and chat, and that shouldn't be taken away.

Anonymous with IP address said “I Disagree and there is a good chance Disney will become involved www.disney.com!”

there, thats all of them, i believe. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 19:47, June 25, 2012 (UTC


(edit conflict) Ahem. I was not counting the participants of the old closed forum. I was counting the ones on this forum, which is about restoring comments now. It doesn't matter how many people were against the removal of comments on that forum. This is entirely a different matter. I suggest you stick to it. ― Thailog 19:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

(double edit conflict) Since you are going to use my name to support your own opinion, I would like to point something out. My opinion was made based on the removal of comments forever, not the compromise, which I believe was a good idea. You cannot take opposition of one idea and say that is opposition of a different idea. Many of the people who opposed the original proposal supported the compromise. The number of people who opposed the original proposal means nothing when applied to the compromise, an entirely different proposal. HAMMEROFTHØR (wall) • 19:56, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

That compromise should of had it's own forum. The forum before was about removing comments forever, but it was turned into a whole different thing. Most of the people who wanted comments to stay probably didn't even know about this forum.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 20:02, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

That's not how forums works. Ideas are often formed when they are being discussed, and not every new idea needs its own new forum. For example, nearly the entire fanon portal policy was reformed on a forum about creating a fanon categorization guide. No new forums were created for that, but I do not see you shooting at those decisions. The hard truth is that people do not care. People do not care about being involved and they do not care about prevention, but the moment they pass up their opportunity to voice their opinion and an action is taken against their wished, then you will hear them. Sorry, but we cannot move forward with such mentality. Either people take the chance and contribute, or they do not and follow the course that is taken by those who did wish to participate, but come crying about it later is just unproductive and not helpful, ever disrespectful against the people who did devote part of their time to follow a discussion and voice their opinions. So in respect of those people, the consensus was reached and is to stay till the 23rd of July. In the name of respect for the community and some sense of community pride, that should be the end of, so please let it be the end of it. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 20:35, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

Nah, it will continue, comments are needed. Also Rydersilver, thanks and help me and koh with the comment addition forever in the wiki, Koh made a blog. :) Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 21:03, June 25, 2012 (UTC)

The only thing continuing is an attempt at driving a wedge. It is disruption, it is stubbornness, it is as Lady described - disrespectful. Continuing down this path is only damaging the goal by providing sour behavior. If that is all this thread is now boiling down to; it should be more than evident it's over. Vulmen (talkEoK) 21:54, June 25, 2012 (UTC)
agreed per agreers, I think we need comments now --Suzon (wall · contribs · editcount · logs) 00:32, June 26, 2012 (UTC)

Please note - After a great deal of deliberation over this, it has been made evident there is far greater turnover for the results of the last forum close than there has ever been over forums in the past. This has nothing to do with the repetitive complaints that litter this forum, but more so with the collective outcry and reasoning of multiple users across the wiki.

I would like to re-emphasize that it is normally not the norm to finish a forum and immediately re-open it in attempt to overturn its decision. Typically; that type of turnaround is not productive. For all involved; please do not disregard that in the future.

That said, there is much contention over this topic, so it must go to votes as to its outcome. Please be aware exactly what you are voting for. To be in 'Support' of this, means comments are re-enabled this moment. To be neutral, obviously, you aren't taking part in it. Usually state reasons why. To be against it, you are saying comments should only be re-instated July 23rd, as per the last forum's agreement.

I apologize ahead of time for any users who feel rubbed the wrong way for voting being opened. Vulmen (talkEoK) 02:17, June 26, 2012 (UTC)


That we should re-enable comments now instead of the originally agreed July 23.


  1. Support Support — The comments should not have even been disabled in the first place.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 02:28, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  2. Support Support — Personally, I love commenting, and I don't believe they should be banned for any period of time. I know there are a lot of users out there who agree who simply aren't aware of this forum. Omashu Rocks (Talk - Crossfire) Bosco 03:09, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  3. Support Support — This is a vote for fairness. No immaturity required to vote for comments to be re enabled. --Koh Koh the Face Stealer 03:24, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  4. Support Support — The comments are needed this wiki, there are alot as I stated before. Sshalwani (wallcontribs) 03:39, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  5. Support Support — I know I said I was neutral on the subject of comments, and I still am. But my reasons for voting in the affirmative are larger than that. Popular sovereignty may seem like a neutral process, but it only really works when minority rights are protected in the event of a revolutionary overhaul in the use of the governing constitution. Otherwise, majority rule is always used to promote the values of the vocal intelligentsia, whether they're fully conscious of it or not, as limits to its application are not put into place to protect the wiki's less knowledgeable from the iron-hand of the consensus reached without them. Thus, after due contemplation of the subject, I feel I must vote for the repeal of the former consensus, bounded as it was only good-will rather than consistent wiki policy. Toph's Fanboy Read My Fanon! http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/vv319/flutflutflyer/TokkaSpriteSig.png 03:58, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  6. Support Support — I think comments should be re enabled since the season finale is over. Thebigofan
  7. Support Support — Why was it even disabled? Is there no freedom of speech in this wiki? Comments are what makes this wiki alive aside from the edits. --Iluvcinderella (wallcontribs) 05:38, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  8. Support Support — Hammerofthor, If it was such a different proposal, then it should have been made on a new forum where everyone could see it. You said you wanted comments to stay, so your vote will be counted as so. You never said you wished to support the compromise. Not many, only 3 changed sides, and that remained 14 against the proposal, still, not counting those that changed to support the proposal. since 14 votes beat 9, it shouldve been voided back then. anyway, the policy states we need traffic and since comments have brought along some of our greatest contributors, (admins included), myself, as well as many others, we should not miss the chance on others. not only that, but the "bad" comments are way exaggerated and even rollbacks have admitted they are easily maintained. Really, were sacrificing traffic for no reason, yet it achieves blocking expressions speech, and i have seen many beneficial, conducive and helpful comments that have sparked intrigue in myself countless times. for these reasons, and others stated above, by myself and others, i believe we should implement the comments now. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 06:58, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    As has been said many times, forums change as they go, so there was no need to create a new forum. You cannot extrapolate votes or opinions for one issue as opinions for a different issue. That isn't how it works. My vote of opposition for issue 1 does not mean a vote of opposition for issue 2. HAMMEROFTHØR (wall) • 08:34, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Furthermore, id like to add that although are traffic might be ok right now. ive seen other wikis, actually all of them suffer traffic losses during these times. major downgrade of traffic is due to the intermission of the series. this is when we need comments MOST! because soon we wont have enough enticement to draw contributors back without easy access to unlimited discussion. not blog posts that nobody cares about as much. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 08:11, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Support Strong Support — Per all. Acer Indonesia Ask anything about fanon!TCA:TFF Aang Sprite Season 3Korra Sprite-01 07:38, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  9. Support Support —They should return. I don't know why they've been disabled in the first place Unnamed Airbender (wallcontribs) 08:49, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  10. Support Mega Support — When they were disabled, we hadn't really reached consensus, a few admins and a user or two pretty much decided amongst themselves, if it had had a larger consensus however, I wouldn't feel the need to support. Per all above. --Suzon (wall · contribs · editcount · logs) 13:20, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    This has been answered numerous times during the debate above. Refer to HammerOfThor's last remark for a succinct summary of the problem with your statement. The 888th Avatar (talk) 13:57, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  11. Support Support — They should of only been taken off until the season 1 finale was over to ensure no one posted anything until it was official. AnonAmon (wallcontribs) 13:55, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  12. Support Support — They should have never been removed in the first place. If they are removed this wiki will become very boring and die down by the time July 23rd comes and barely anyone will be on here! Wikian13000 (wallcontribs) 17:33, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  13. Support Support — It's simply more fun talking with others when the comments are on. Agile Avatar (wallcontribs) 00:12, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  14. Support Support — I support the comment system because that's the reason why we love ATLA and LoK. We can freely express our opinions on the show and we think that it can also affect the production as the producers are looking at our opinions as we speak. This wikia is the most unique and the most visited wiki because comments and opinions of other people makes the show more interesting. I don't like to write my comments on a talk page like this one... it feels like programming and I highly doubt other people know how a talk page works. The comment system keeps the shows interesting. I've visited a lot of those 'other' wikia sites (mostly games) without the comment system and many are either dead, outdated, or uninteresting except for a few. I think without the community and the comment system, the series would be long dead since book 1 as there is nothing that can fuel fan interest and a decentralized community forum that is unrelated to this wikia will only fracture the community. Kudos to those people who decided to have the comment system installed since Avatar: The Last Airbender. Why is that most of the people opposed to the comment system are admins, it seems that whatever our opinions are, it will be irrelevant since the admins control the system and there's nothing we can do but create a new community since the admins in this community had grown cold Triadwarfare (wallcontribs) 11:03, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    It seems like there's been some misinformation going around. There are currently only six admins, but there are more than 50 votes on this page. Also, introducing comments was suggested by an admin in the first place back in 2010, and half the admins on this site support comments. That's not what this vote is about, since comments will return sooner or later. The 888th Avatar (talk) 11:15, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  15. Support Support — The reason why I came to this wiki in the first place (as an anon for quite some time) was because I could interact with others through commenting. It gave this place a sense of home, community, and friendship. I think a lot of other people would agree with my view. Taking away comments has frustrated me more than the benefits that the people who started this said would give to me. Quite honestly, I haven't seen any benefits to this month long suspension at all, which makes me feel as though I've been deceived. Keep this wiki a fun and free place to be at and don't discourage trustworthy members like me! SparksFromHades (wallcontribs) 15:44, June 27, 2012 (UTC)SparksFromHades
  16. Support Support — I think we should bring back the comments immediately! However, make it so only people with accounts can comment, because 99% of the time it's the anonymous people who are trolling and being idiotic. People who do troll and be stupid should be banished immediately! —Preceding unsigned comment added by Thefirewolf (wallcontribs) This note was added on 16:35, June 27, 2012 (UTC).
    Support Support — The comments should be brought back sooner. Yes, they are immature people and trolls, but they're everywhere. There is still a very large amount of people with good opinions and thoughts. There is no reason to take away comments for an unnecessary amount of time just because of the minority of immature people.Lemongrab 16:37, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
    Support Support — I'm new here, but I agree. Comments allow people to interact and they help fanfic writers make better stories with input. Just because a few people are immature, doesn't mean we should disable it for the people that aren't.~katorra12
    Invalid vote. as user created account only today. ― Thailog 21:13, June 30, 2012 (UTC)
  17. Support Support — Comments are necessary for any real discussion of the show. If I wanted to say, talk about Rohan, I wouldn't be able to get my comment through on the communal comment page because it would be offscreen in about two minutes. Instead, I would want to use the Rohan comment page. Maybe we should keep the shipping comments page though, it seems to be helping increase the signal/noise ratio. TheLoKnessmonster (wallcontribs) 21:15, July 1, 2012 (UTC)
  18. Support Support — Everything is too crowded on just one page. --Checkyesjuliet (wallcontribs) 23:38, July 1, 2012 (UTC)
  19. Support Support — I really want the comments back and I will not stand to wait any longer. AAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Magicstar351 (wallcontribs)
  20. Support Support — This would re-enable the ability to discuss just one thing, instead of one increasingly crowded page for an entire series/mini-series. Overall, I support.--ScholarOfTheDesert (wallcontribs) 23:38, July 3, 2012 (UTC)


  1. Neutral Neutral — I stay neutral about the whole thing, plus if comments got abused then they shall stay for some time disabled but maybe perhaps until the 5th july but not until the 23th july. anyway users and people can also use the chat for discussing the characters and the season one finale. --Duke Wu of Jin (wallcontribs) 15:28, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  2. Neutral Neutral — I don't have a particularly strong opinion one way or another. Sure, it may be nice to get comments back, and I do miss comments to some degree, but the community decided one time against it, and that decision was okay. Either way, comments will come back at some point so I don't understand the big problem with it. Truly Pabu Sprite Ferret (a My Fanon) 17:41, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  3. Neutral Neutral — I don't see why the compromise couldn't be adapted after we having so many votes supporting the return of the comments. But my opinion on the matter of they coming back at this very moment is neutral indeed. I don't mind if they get one month "locked". But my suggestion would be to find a middle/central way. Two/three weeks would make both sides happy. I don't want to be in the middle of the fire, but since this decision making would make a lot of users unhappy, I'd like to intermediate an agreement, if you guys feel pleased with my idea of getting the comments back (20 days after the finale; precisely on the July 13th); neither a fortnight, but almost three weeks... Nor even one month. What do you think? Master Ratava 18:01, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    That's the thing, though - We already had to come up with a compromise that would make both parties happy. We simply can't just bend to the will of a few users (there's currently over a 2:1 ratio for keeping comments off) who have no good reasons for wanting comments back now other than they're impatient. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 18:04, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    The thing is that so called community decision was not a compromise. Basically, that so called compromise gave you guys who don't like comments a month without them, while people who like comments suffer for a month. It was really an admin and rollback decision. Just like it is being one now.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 18:07, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Actually, no. Autoconfirmed and a nony gave their opinions in that debate. If it were an admin and rollback decision, then we'd only let admins and rollbacks cast their votes. That compromise gave people who hate comments a month without them, let people who love comments keep them forever, and let people in between, such as myself, get a great middle ground. Quit using everything for your own damn personal vendetta. Shut up and vote. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 18:12, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    I don't even understand how you defended yourself from my comment. Anyways, this decision is always an admin and rollback majority decision, because no one who wants comments back knows the forum existed. And it's funny that you guys keep saying it was a community decision when the community obviously didn't like it.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 18:17, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    I'm done with you. Don't comment here again unless you're voting or have something even semi-constructive to say. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 18:20, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    I don't think you can tell me to do that.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 18:26, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    "No one who wants comments back knows the forum existed"? Well, you want comments back and you know the forum exists(ed?). And so do many others who have voted. So right there, your logic falls flat. And your persistence in turning everything into an "admin/rollback cabal" just takes away any credibility you might have and makes you look bitter and resentful. And frankly, that argument got old months ago. Can't you come up with something different?
    BlueDagger, calm down. If Omar aggravates you so, then don't engage. ― Thailog 18:50, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Yeah, sorry. Lost my nonexistent cool. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 19:08, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    You know Omar, it's interesting that you mention those who like comments and those who don't, because I happen to be one of those people who likes comments. So do Vulmen, ARG and many others who oppose. Originally, I even said multiple times on my wall that I was open to the idea of shortening the month-long period if it could be established that, on the balance of the probabilities, things would cool down earlier. But you and the others insisted on claiming that the previous decision was illegitimate. We were forced to defend the entire process. Ultimately, this forced me to cast an opposing protest vote. Principle outweighed the "punishment" I am dealing myself. The 888th Avatar (talk) 19:09, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Then why the heck did you come up with a stupid compromise that clearly is in the favor of the people who don't like comments? It's like you just handed them a gift and didn't give a damn about the people who want to have nice conversations on the wiki about LoK. I can't even imagine what anyone was thinking who support comments when they agreed with the compromise.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 20:35, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Because in any community, the mature and responsible thing to do is to reach a middle ground that as many people as possible can agree to. It's not about throwing tantrums and getting everything I want every single time. It's about giving concessions from time to time in order to preserve solidarity among contributors. The solution I suggested doesn't favour one side over the other, and really, I got what was most important to me: the preservation of comments in the long term. If you were less rigid, you would realise that this solution was a much better outcome for my side than continuing towards a voting showdown that could have removed comments permanently. The 888th Avatar (talk) 20:44, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    what ever happened to the 14 against 9 in the previous forum? wow, BD, i did not know people were allowed to talk like that on a "civilized" wiki. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 22:08, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    This has all been addressed before. And I agree with 888 fully. --AvatarRokus Ghost (Message meRead my fanon) Energy Saga Dragons, Sieges and Volcanoes 23:37, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    yet, its ridiculous to think those that already cast down their vote would need to recheck that gigantic forum, read all of it, discover a new proposal took place, and revote. how could you expect them to know of this? besides, they all said they oppose removing comments. the change implemented did remove comments, and only three people switched their support to the compromise. for these reasons, their votes should stay the same, obviously. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 00:43, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    I think you guys took a vote from us. An anonymous user had supported the comments.--Omar067 (wallcontribs) 00:46, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    We did. Anonymous users can't vote... on any ballot, just to be clear. ― Thailog 00:50, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    actually, they took two. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 00:50, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    thailog where does it say that? Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 03:05, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    Common sense. We can't verify that multiple IPs aren't the same person, and we also can't verify that IPs are not also registered users just signed out. The 888th Avatar (talk) 03:27, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    then again, a member could make multiple accounts. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 03:54, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    We have tools to prevent that kind of behaviour; however, for non-registered users, use of these tools is impractical. The 888th Avatar (talk) 04:14, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    really? what tools? Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 05:24, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    We generally request a CheckUser to verify disruptive incidences of sockpuppetry. The 888th Avatar (talk) 06:01, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    ah, interesting. thats cool. wait i just looked at the comments (you can do this via a mobile phone) and the pages ive visited have just been accumulating comments, and around 90% are spam. Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 06:46, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
    and theyre pretty much all anons Rydersilver (wallcontribs) 06:47, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  4. Neutral Neutral — Listen, I don't know what we should do, however I feel that the whole 1 month thing is too long. Yet, I know to well of lions, vandals, and trolls. Oh, my! Really, this is a big decision for people to make; are you for freedom of people expressing their opinions through comments comments or against trolls making bad, bad to see comments. The Kid 100% (wallcontribs)
  5. Neutral Neutral — I do admit it was my fault for not taking part in the original conversation, and I do support comments. I just don't think it would be fair to either side if I casted a vote at this point. I'm fine with the compromise. It's true that the site might lose some popularity, but what's a month to a dedicated Avatar fan? Milkncookies11 (wallcontribs) 07:09, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  6. Neutral Neutral — Seeing the kinds of comments on the blog about the season finale, many users, both wiki and anonymous, have been posting irrelevant and hateful comments. However, users have also been posting very appropriate comments. I think a month is a bit too long for the commotion to level out, in fact a month brings on more than necessary commotion. however the comments being disabled in the first place is necessary.Ice MessageMePeople • Fanon:The Journeys of a Broken Dragon|Journeys of a Broken Dragon]] 15:25, June 29, 2012 (UTC)
  7. Neutral Neutral — I didn't take part in the first discussion, and before the finale I wanted the comments back, but now I don't really care. FooFoo (wallcontribs blog) 12:20, July 3, 2012 (UTC)


  1. Oppose Oppose — I am a strong supporter of comments, but the recent destablilisation of the foundations of this wiki leads me to oppose on principle. If the order that has made the wiki successful over the last three years is to be maintained, this proposal cannot pass. This is a vote against immaturity. The 888th Avatar (talk) 02:26, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  2. Oppose Oppose — I, too, avidly support comments. But the stark opposition to community harmony has me quite on the edge of nowhere near supporting this. Last community agreement should stand. Vulmen (talkEoK) 02:27, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    We never reached a real consensus last time, it had been split 14 to 9 with only 9 wanting this. --Suzon (wall · contribs · editcount · logs) 13:24, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    See my comment in reponse to your support vote. The 888th Avatar (talk) 13:57, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  3. Oppose Oppose — The original community consensus worked fine as is. There is no reason to change it now; this centralization of comments has worked out fine for the wiki. Katara and Bolin Fanboy Send me a messenger hawk Katara Sprite Season 3Bolin sprite 02:34, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  4. Oppose Oppose — I support comments, to an extent, but I agree with 888 and Vulmen. Not to mention the fact that it blatantly disregards and disrespects the previous community decision and consensus, most of the users who support the re-enabling of comments only use lackluster and overly-repeated arguments to support their opinion, all of which have been discredited by multiple users many times over. —Random Ranaun (Talk to me!) 02:37, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  5. Oppose Oppose — I feel as if the comments have caused too much commotion and unneeded drama as of recently. While I do feel that the date should be reduced a tad, because it will let users discuss the series/finale while it's fresh in their minds, I think that the comments have ignited a blaze in some users to be completely uncivil and rude. Also, keeping the original date will save us the trouble of deleting many of the unnecessary and irrelevant comments.  Technology Wizard  Wall  Contribs  02:40, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  6. Oppose Oppose — I recognize the several downsides of centralized comments during the course of its implementation, but that doesn't mean we should disregard and disrespect previous community agreement in favor of whims and supposed "lack of participants". Despite being a firm supporter of having comments in articles, I will have to oppose this. Axiovatar Talk 02:42, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  7. Oppose Oppose — Per my reasoning and on the first forum. I didn't see much a point to this proposal initially, there was consensus to begin with. Annawantimes (Talk) 02:47, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  8. Oppose Oppose — I find the reason given to disable comments for a limited period is a good solution. There's no need to bring them back after there was consensus a week ago. Dcasawang1wall 03:04, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    The problem was there was no real consensus a week ago, DC, it was 14 to 9 and only the 9 had wanted this to happen to the comments, more people are voting Oppose because they think their had been consensus... --Suzon (wall · contribs · editcount · logs) 13:24, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
    Again, see my comment in reponse to your support vote. The 888th Avatar (talk) 13:57, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  9. Oppose Oppose — Even though I don't mind commenting, if the community agreed on disabling the comments before, then it should stay that way until the date in which it returns.Katara PL SpriteBack for Korra Folks :)  Talk  Contribs  Following  03:21, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  10. Oppose Oppose — This is one of the more…unusual votes I’ve ever cast on here. Although the central discussion blog system has worked out a little better than I originally anticipated, I still strongly prefer the article comment system, for all the reasons I talked about in the last forum. The reason that I am casting an oppose vote and not a support vote is due to the tone, nature and timing of this proposal – not “alternative A versus alternative B.” The last forum on commenting invoked a heated, drawn-out debate with a lot of strong statements on both sides. The debate came to a conclusion with a community compromise that most could walk away with somewhat satisfied, and the community was able to move on with. This forum, by my perspective, is seeking to revoke a decision come to in community harmony with a decision made in heated community divisiveness. I agree with 888, and Vulmen. Our community has encountered a lot of issues over the past few months and this proposal certainly doesn’t help any. I think article comments are a great asset to the community and I look forward to their return, but the community itself has to come first. To sum it all up, I oppose this proposal, but support article comments. Being patient for a few more weeks on this is not the end of the world. --AvatarRokus Ghost (Message meRead my fanon) Energy Saga Dragons, Sieges and Volcanoes 03:39, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  11. Oppose Oppose — We had a compromise. We are sticking to it. A Light Shining in the Darkness - Talk Jin Lo! 03:50, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  12. Oppose Oppose — I love the comments, but seeing the benefits of disabling them temporarily has swayed my opinion to support the previous consensus. The community has made a decision, and I will support it. Millennia2 04:34, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  13. Oppose No — It's that simple: No. This thread has gone too far: it is cheating to try to re-enable something that was disabled a few days ago. But now that you gave it a shot, I hope you are at least satisfied. Matey Y. (talk  A:TLoM) Oppose 04:36, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  14. Oppose Oppose — There was an agreement made, a compromise. The level of audacity that has been shown in this particular forum in overturning a decision made not even five days ago disturbs me. I was a strong supporter of keeping comments, but I must vote against this on principle. KettleMeetPot (wallcontribs) 04:37, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  15. Oppose Oppose — Over 20,000 words were written to come to the compromise currently in play. No reason to bring the issue back up again. Uiop60 05:14, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  16. Oppose Oppose — This has nothing to do with fairness anymore, fairness was never even an issue the moment this "forum" went again a made community consensus. In order to respect the community foundations we were built on and to respect those who do care enough to devote part of their time to actually keep following a long forum, we should stick to the made consensus and not try to immediately overthrow it just because some people do not like it. That downright unfair and disrespectful to the people who care enough. Lady Lostris / 9?cb=20210808202057 SOAP 05:22, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  17. Oppose Oppose — It's only on LoK articles, and it's only for a month. That should've been the end. Instead, we have divisiveness, heated tempers, and harsh words on both sides, and I am tired of it all. Let's just follow wiki policy and wait this out. Mageddon725 - talk Fanon:Sons and Daughters 07:37, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  18. Oppose Oppose — A consensus was reached that the compromise was a good idea. Overturning that decision so soon is not the right way to go, and doing so will bring more harm than good. For that reason, I believe we should stick to what we have. HAMMEROFTHØR (wall) • 08:34, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  19. Oppose Oppose — A compromise was made that addressed both sides and satisfied each party at least to some extent- there is no reason to completely disregard that decision so soon. Waterbending emblem Water Spout 08:56, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  20. Oppose Oppose — And I have nothing left to say... ― Thailog 09:46, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  21. Oppose Oppose — I just didn't care much to say anything, but why can't we wait for a month? – Natsu11 · (wallNanatsu no Taizai) 11:34, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  22. Oppose Oppose — It's been decided already. 1 month. Rassilon of Old (Wall - Help) 11:35, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  23. Oppose Oppose — A month is a month. It's been agreed upon and I see no reason about the need of bringing it back prior the set date. It won't hurt to wait. User:LiaSakura/Signature 11:50, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  24. Oppose Oppose — My God. Do we even need to vote? Have you seen the tsunami onslaught of comments on Special:RecentChanges that does little to contribute to encyclopedic editing of this wiki? Even stray comments on the film pages are mostly useless vents. In mid next month, wikia is planning to roll out a new discussion feature, which may hopeful solve this "uncategorized" comments problem. I have spoken. — Hasdi Bravo • 13:26, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  25. Oppose Oppose — To me this proposal reflects the recent anarchy and immaturity on this wiki. The admins have kept the wiki running in a great way for a long time so I trust them when it comes to making these decisions. Besides, it is a good thing to have the comments disabled for the time concurrent with the finale, if they were enabled the pages would be flooded with comments and would be a mess to clean up. We have the blogs to comment on so I don't see a problem. Fanon Index Rage  Of  Fluffy http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l605/RageOfFluffy/South_Africa.gif
    For the record, the admins did not make the "decision" for comments to be disabled for a month. They lack the authority to do so - they're just normal users with a few extra buttons to push. This was a community decision in a previous forum. --AvatarRokus Ghost (Message meRead my fanon) Energy Saga Dragons, Sieges and Volcanoes 23:37, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  26. Oppose Oppose — I'm all for keeping the comment sections on the wiki, but for now, with the Korra finale having just premiered and the likelihood of us having to deal with trolls on the rise, I say stick with the already established compromise. And anyway, what's the harm in disabling comments for one month? It's not like it's gonna go on forever. Just be patient. --Krazykid51 13:43, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  27. Oppose Oppose — Just to be clear, I don't mind enabling comments on this wiki - I do believe they can be beneficial to this wiki, so long as they are solid and relevant in regards to their content. However, I do agree with the compromise that has been implemented - it is only for one month that this has to be and that's all. It is an effective way to prevent a most-likely immense flood of comments to the wiki following the finale. We have blogs open, other people can create blogs, which is just fine for now. The Ultimate Waterbender 14:20, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  28. Oppose Oppose — A consensus is a consensus. The consensus was made by the people who work hard to keep this wiki up and running, and care enough to look into the discussions the community is having. Personally, I oppose comments completely. They just add more work. I did not join the wiki because of the comments. I joined because of the information on the wiki and I wanted to be apart of it and help if I could. The people who want comments back on the LoK pages can wait a month to comment again. At least the comments weren't taken off all the pages completely. Hopefully after this this discussion wont come up again for a while. :) -EriHonjo (wallcontribs) 14:28, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  29. Oppose absolute oppose — We reached a consensus. Period, the end. There was no need for this forum in the first place.If your doctor is sick, then who is healing you? Read. It's good for you. 17:05, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  30. Oppose Oppose — The comments will only be gone for a month, and there are still many ways to interact with othersZuqiu85 (wallcontribs) 20:07, June 26, 2012 (UTC)
  31. Oppose Oppose — The comments are not for every page, it is only for the pages linked to Legend of Korra. The rest of the pages allow comments and they will only be gone for another month. For those who simply cannot wait for that long, they can blog on the site or go on leave until they come back. --PrincessXipil (wallcontribs) 01:40, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  32. Oppose Oppose — I was originally neutral on this matter, but I have decided to oppose the return of the comments. Why? Because July 23 was the date that was agreed on. And besides, I don't think restricting trolls from doing what they do best is a bad thing. As for decent users who comment, it's like I said, a date was already agreed on. I just don't think the return of comments is necessary right now. This is Slash, mission complete! 02:39, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  33. Oppose Oppose — Ordinarily comments are a good way to discuss things in-article without having to go to forums to do the same thing. However, I've effectively been dumbfounded by the relative level of immaturity and at times lewd wording found in the comments of the past 2-3 months and I feel the month-long disabling's needed. The date was already set, and it will stay that way until said date arrives. Also, it'll weed out and prevent trolls for some time. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem 04:01, June 27, 2012 (UTC)
  34. Oppose Oppose — Well I'd like to start by saying how completely ridiculous this is. The comment removal was just meant to keep the peace, and nearly everybody is perfectly fine with it. There are Korra discussion pages where people can talk all they want, and not litter the wiki with irrelevant and unnecessary topics. And its only temporary for goodness sake! It's not like its going to last forever. A month is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to wait for things to calm down. SukitheNinja (wallcontribs) 22:12, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
  35. Oppose Oppose — At first, I thought the temporary removal of comments was a bad idea. After a conversing with a few admin's, I now realize that they and everyone who wanted comments removed had a good reason to. I now oppose the early return of comments. Lemongrab 7:19, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
  36. Oppose Weak oppose — I doubt the comments should re-enabled now. Many irrelevant comments will explode and fulfill this entire wiki. Acer Indonesia Ask anything about fanon!TCA:TFF Aang Sprite Season 3Korra Sprite-01 05:01, June 29, 2012 (UTC)
  37. Oppose Oppose — I'm pretty new here and barely establish myself, but I've already encountered the so called "die hard" fans and trolls that are currently flooding the "series ending" comment with anti/pro Mako and have to scroll through lots of pages just to get a decent conversation going?The Space Engineer 02:45, June 30, 2012 (UTC)
  38. Oppose Oppose — For all the reasoning behind the original consensus to temporarily remove comments and for the fact that we had a consensus and must stick to it. When I read through the original forum, I was rather dubious and remained neutral, because I too am a fan of comments. But then I saw how the sorts of comments I was deleting detracted from our status as an encyclopedia and repository of information and I am now fully behind this compromise. None of this is permanent and overturning this so quickly to soothe some hurt feelings would be absurd. Monkeyfeathers94 (wallcontribs) 15:11, June 29, 2012 (UTC)
  39. Oppose Oppose — A month really isn't too long. Make a blog if you need to. We don't need the insane amount of traffic that comments create nowadays with Korra. They'll be back soon enough, just be patient. BlackMonkey Talk - Fire & Ice 00:34, June 30, 2012 (UTC)
  40. Oppose Oppose — Anything that makes those go away, for any amount of time. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 02:36, July 1, 2012 (UTC)
  41. Oppose Oppose — Personally, I think a month is way too long, but a consensus was reached. I see no reason to revisit the subject. DesertDog (wall) 22:28, July 1, 2012 (UTC)