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Avatar Wiki
By Gingalover Part of the Avatar: New Universe continuity.

Vitrus is a humanoid colossi with giant hands that was found alongside Valus. He too is a wanderer but not one of Yveltal's creations. But he, along with many others, were made by Yveltal's colleagues he named J.D. It's unclear what Chakra Orb the colossi possesses, since he wasn't killed when Toube arrived.

He comes in moments after Valus, looking tired from the traveling. As he was resting he was confronted by Toube. Vitrus is a strong fighter, nearly killing Toube many times as he kept trying to get the Chakra Orb Vitrus set down. During the rough game of Keep-Away, he thought to smash Toube to bits, but somehow the tosa survives and beats him. Vitrus stopped when he sees Valus getting killed. But instead of sorrow or anger, he just turned around and walks away. He wasn't seen since.

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