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Triad Territory is a fanfiction story written by the Duke of Skibbington.


Fifteen years ago, the triad groups became significantly more aggressive - seeking battles with police, attacking public property, and attempting assassinations. They even took to the streets and fought the military. In a last-ditch attempt, Avatar Korra was sent on a raid of the Triple Threat base.

The raid failed and the Avatar fell. The victorious triads turned on each other and carved up Republic City into numerous zones of control with small pockets of organised resistance existing at the Air Temple, police station, and Future Industries Tower. With no prospects of foreign intervention and the rest of the URN in chaos and disarray, the future of Republic City lies in the hands of the new Avatar, a 15-year-old earthbender named Tero.


  • Korra: the ill-fated Avatar whose demise plunged Republic City into chaos.
  • Tero: the new Avatar, a studious earthbender who already mastered fire.
  • Mako: police chief of the Beifong Fortress.
  • Jinora: Tero's airbending mentor. Matriarch of the Air Temple.
  • Asami: Korra's widow. Administrator of the Industrial Tower.
  • Kayos: leader of the Triple Threat Triad.


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