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Avatar Wiki
Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to The White Flame Assassins in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.


Set during the time of Avatar Korra, the story follows the lives of two firebending brothers, Kain and Zoru, who are members of the Fire Lord's personal assassin group "The Inferno Convent".

After the youngest brother, Kain, tricks the Great Bird Spirit, he is cursed with a mark of power upon his back, which leads to his exile from the Fire Nation. However, it soon becomes clear that the mark of power is slowly consuming Kain and turning him into a monster. Zoru is ordered to hunt and kill his own brother.

Will Zoru kill his own blood? Or betray his nation and watch his brother become a monster?


  • Zoru - "The White Flame Assasin".
  • Kain - "Black Flame Beast".
  • The Fire Lord


  1. Playing with Fire
  2. To kill a Mockingbird

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