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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to The Life and Times of a Wanderer in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.

The Life and Times of a Wanderer, also known as Deshi Hong's Diaries, is a three-part story detailing the life of Deshi Qiu Hong, a young firebender who was raised in Ba Sing Se. From the Desert Death March to the frontlines of the 100-Year War, Deshi's story parallels that of Team Avatar as he makes his way through the war-torn ruins of his nation in search of freedom and honor.


PART ONE - The Victim[]

Prologue & A Virtuous Boy[]

Deshi's life in Ba Sing Se is coming to an end. What will life be like outside of the walls?

One Baked Apple[]

The first stop on their journey is also the roughest. What will the dirty mining town of Liaoyuan have in store for an eight-year old who is new to the world?

The Lieutenant[]

Stopping even for a day gives Shu and Deshi, as well as an entire village, more than they bargained for. Meet Lieutenant Zhao - the most merciless man in the Firelord's army.

A Strange Tower[]

Lost in the desert, Zhao's men have no choice but to seek shelter in an un-cleared building, leaving the refugees to wait in the sands.

Friendly Raiders[]

The Most Beautiful Well[]


The Ghost Witch of the Mountain[]

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For the collective works of the author, go here.
