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You should have seen yourself! It was amazing! You should have seen yourself! It was amazing!
This fanon series is completed, meaning all expected chapters have been released.
If you are interested by the information in this article, feel free to read the chapters.

Seven Days in the Clouds is a series of seven one-shots written by PSUAvatar14 for Kataang Week 2013.


Katara and Aang have had many adventures in the 53 years they knew each other. A look at some things that happened between them all throughout in the seven themes of this year's Kataang Week.





This story is rated G, however, chapter six, Healing, has been assigned a PG rating due to mild violence.


  • The idea for this was inspired in the author after watching Fruipit putting together a series of one-shots herself for the recently passed Taang Week. So thanks, Fruipy Loopy, for the idea. ^^
  • The story got its name not just because of it being a week, but because of the combination of air and water yielding clouds, which can also be frequently heard when the Kataang kids are referred to as "cloudbabies".

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For the collective works of the author, go here.
