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By TheCatOwl Part of the Skies and Airbending continuity.

Qing is an antagonist in Skies and Airbending.


Qing's hatred of waterbenders and firebenders started during his childhood when his parents were murdered by two benders. He found out the next day from his aunt and was devastated. The rest of his childhood is spent in various Earth Kingdom towns due to his aunt being an active nomad. When he turned seventeen he moved back to Republic City to make a name for himself. However, Qing made various job applications to many companies and had been turn down. Qing lived on the streets for many months until he joined The Sky Terrains to help their cause. After many years of struggling up the ranks he became the Head of the Airbenders.


Qing has a harsh personality, he occasionally attacks some of the new recruits if they mess up. However, he does have some restraint when it comes to younger members. He also has a good sense of humor.


  • He never gained his arrows due to he never completed his training.

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