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By Bersarker Part of the Avengers: The Earth's Mightiest Heroes continuity.

Nightcrawler is a male mutant waterbender who is a member of X-Men.


360 AG[]

Exiled from the North[]

After him and his sister were discovered as mutants, they were be hunted by order of the vizier of the Chief Zeng of the Northern Water Tribe. They both had a lucky escape by help that accidentally the snow storm that caused by the Snow Queen. After the events, they go to lived in the Republic City.

Joined the X-Men[]

After came to Republic City, they both go to live in the part of Downtown of the city to hiding from people. One day, they accident met ninjas of Tong and defeated them without knowing that the X-Men are watching them. Later, they revealed themselves and invite them to join them.


He is a nice and little prankster. He is a flirty guy when he see a girls that are beautiful and sexy.




As he was born in Northern Water Tribe, he can use waterbending.


He can bloodbend himself to teleport him and other that he touch to another place as he wanted.


  • He is younger brother of Mystique.
  • He is the flirtiest guy in the series.
  • In Japanese, Kishi means "knight" and "shore" and Hayai means "fast".

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