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By Omashu Rocks Part of the Our Story continuity.

Munni is the elder of the small Fire Nation town of Sakiya. He is very wise, calm, and brave. He also serves as a mentor to Heng Gan.


During the Drafting[]

Munni was the one who informed Heng Gan of the drafting. He disclosed with Heng Gan that he thinks of him like a son here. Later, Munni defended Heng Gan from a deadly attack from Admiral Ji Qing. Because of this, Munni was thrown in the town prison. Some of the prison guards recognized Munni's status as "Master Elder" and helped him escape. The most notable of these guards is Bai Fu. Munni distracted the disloyal guards allowing Heng Gan, Suara, and Bai Fu to escape on Zelbo.

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