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Thunderstorm By The Snowbold Part of the The Rise of Lirin continuity.

Luei is the Earth King as of 398 AG. As son of The Snowbold and Ilera, he was very prejudiced against the Fire Nation.


Luei was born to Earth King The Snowbold and his wife, Ilera. Raised by his mother, he harbored a dislike of the Fire Nation royal family but kept his relations professional. When the next Avatar after Tala was declared to be Prince Lirin, he did not take it well.

Luei has a son, Prince Qon. He has had his firstborn trained in the same arts that the Earth Kings have since Iruei.

Luei sent a formal invitation to train the Avatar in his final element, earthbending, which Lirin accepted. Lirin has since moved into the Ba Sing Se Royal Palace.


  • Luei is a dangerous man and is much more cunning that his father, The Snowbold, was.
  • Luei has a very good relationship with his son, Qon.
  • Luei will be a background character when compared to Lirin's other enemies.

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