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By Philanahembree Part of the Forces of Nature continuity.

Ikyina is a former sandbender nomad who know resides in Laobao. She is the wife of Tum Guon and the mother Yim Ta, Dyonu, Gouru and another daughter.


Ikyina was raised in a typical sandbender tribe. In 158 AG she and her tribe found a small town named Laobao, where they met Tum Guon. Convincing them to stay and live in his growing town, the sandbenders helped Tum Guon with further construction, getting supplies calling for aid from their friends and allied tribes.

Ikyina and Tum Guon eventually got married and has two daughters and two sons together, all of them sandbenders like her and glassbenders like their father. She helped lead the town while Tum Guon spent years teaching their children the art of glassbending.


Ikyina is a sandbending master and currently a glassbender in training.


Ikyina mastered the art of sandbending at a young age, putting it to great use to help defend Laobao against unruly sandbender tribes.

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