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By The avatar Part of the The Phoenix Chronicles continuity.

Hoshizu was a former General of the Fire Nation, and is now a General of the Phoenix Islands.


Hoshizu was born to a middle-class family. The war had ended several decades ago, but things were not at peace. Recently vengeful Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom warriors were raiding his island. Soon, the got to his village. His grandparents and parents were killed. Hoshizu, survived, and fled the island. He continued his life as a traveller until, one day he realized he had to have revenge. He signed up for the army as soon as he could, and quickly progressed through his ranks. Soon, he forgot all about revenge and started caring for his nation. Then he heard of another raid, though small and insignificant, it reminded him his true goal. So, in an effort to rebuild his nation and take revenge on the raiders he began to plan a coup with help from The Phoenix Islands

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