Avatar Wiki
Avatar Wiki
Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to Avatar: The Two Worlds in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.


What would you do if one night, you went to sleep in your comfortable bed, but woke up in an unfamiliar house? An unfamiliar place? An unfamiliar world?! When all the users from the Avatar Wiki begin to wake up in the Avatar Universe, they all have to find a way to get back to their world. What will they do when they begin to meet the other users in the universe? Will they befriend them, or become enemies? Will they work together to get back to their world? (This would take place before the happenings of the first season.)


All the Avatar Wiki Users.

The Stories of the Users[]



Make a separate page for people to find your chapters, and link it to this fanon page.

Follow the storyline given in the summary.

If you wish to give yourself a bending power in the Avatar Universe, you must not make yourself a bending master from the start. Make it so that over time, you become better at your bending art.

Most of us probably don't know what each other look like. So in most cases, we wouldn't recognize a Wiki User just from looking at them, unless of course, you met them in person or seen what they look like before. If not though, make the User meetings realistic, and always make sure that it is okay with them that you use their name in your story. Also, see if they wish to include this meeting in their story as well.

Have fun!


Any updates to the Fanon Page will be posted here.

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For the collective works of the author, go here.
