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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to Avatar: The Legend of Michaiah in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.


23 years after the death of Avatar Xandria (Fire Avatar after Avatar Terrance, who was the Earthbender Avatar after Korra) a young man named Michaiah is born. And in such a modern world from the time of Korra, there's also trouble that brews. There is anarchic group named Xero One Incorporations who wants to eliminate the need for Avatars by using plasma technology and an army of one million platinum Kuvira-like mechas to protect the world. This process takes all the money from all the nations, and all the spirit energy in the world to conduct. And it's up to an intelligent but pompous airbender along with his friends, Kahliyah, Mahliyah, Zeroni, Tykari and Renee to find out a genius plan to terminate the organization and its army.


Michaiah - A very bright Avatar who can be quite pompous sometimes, thinking he's better than anyone. He's extremely competitive if given a drive and he doesn't like taking advice from his previous past lives, which can be a problem for any tough situation he's in. He grew up at the Western Air Temple, which was reconstructed after Ozai's detrimental attack on all of the Air Nation. He already knows all of the elements and all of their sub-abilities like Bloodbending, lightning production, metalbending and flight. He loves listening to techno-pop and dubstep music and loves building things. Varrick is his idol.



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