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Sokka begs Zuko to Swordbending Kai
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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to And a Bottle of Rum in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.

Written for roca dos. This was supposed to be released as a single one-shot, but... yeah, it got away from me.


Earthbending has been outlawed in all parts of the Earth Kingdom, and only those with the authority (limited, simply, to the Avatar and the Dai Li) are permitted to practise it. When Long Feng gets word of a new bender—the Blind Bandit—wreaking havoc in the southern Earth Kingdom, he sends Aang to sort out the issue.

Cue kidnapping and earthbending and betrayal and more betrayal. And the stark reminder that no, not even the Avatar can save everyone.


  • Aang
  • Toph
  • Long Feng


One: The Bottle
Two: The Pirate
Three: The Rum
Four: The Adventure

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