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Origin of firebending mural Zuko, something happened to Ad Infinitum in the last hundred years.
This fanon has been discontinued, but is still available to read for your enjoyment.

Ad Infinitum is a series of Legend of Korra one-shots written by Sparkstoaflame.


There are thousands of ways to love someone. :: korra/asami. unrelated one-shot collection.


I. Speak What Your Heart Wants You To

Or: Asami is a cool (and rich, and smart) kid, Mako is a bro, and Korra thinks she may be "just Asamisexual." [high school au]

rating — g
genre(s) — romance/humor
word count — 4,534
  • prompt: presents + special occasion

II. For the First Time in Forever

Every story has a beginning. Here's one of them. [asami sato character study. kinda]

rating — pg
genre(s) — friendship/romance (little bit of hurt/comfort)
word count — 3,809
  • prompt: first time someone hurt another person + alone (word) + friendship (genre) + "Nothing is impossible..." (quote) + mentions of fire
  • also submitted to this

III. We (Will) Meet Again

"People believe in the longevity of your vision," Asami tells her. "They are building lives around things other than survival and war." [t100 au]

rating — pg-13
genre(s) — romance? angst? drama? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows
word count — 2,109+
  • no prompt



ad infinitum = to infinity/forevermore.

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For the collective works of the author, go here.
